
What Happens if You Combine a Hundred Tourist Photos?

Max Read · 02/22/11 12:04AM

Swiss artist Corinne Vionnet creates art for her series "Photo Opportunities" by overlaying hundreds of tourist photos (she finds them online) on top of one another. What she ends are these beautiful, shimmering things—Boing Boing calls them "metaportraits"—that are as recognizable as they are eerie. They look almost like oil paintings, don't they? Or photographs of ghosts? There is something nice about creating something so otherworldly out of such photographic banality.

Nicholas Carlson · 02/28/08 02:51PM

Microsoft acquired Israeli ad-targeting firm YaData for $20-$30 million, according to reports. YaData's technology is supposed to help Microsoft discover "unique customer segments" — which sounds similar to what News Corp. has been doing with MySpace users, lumping them into demographic groups to get higher ad rates. For local VCs Giza and Ofer Hi-Tech, it simply translates to a jackpot. [PaidContent]