Why Lindsay Lohan Is To Blame For Miley Cyrus' Latest Nude Photo Scandal
Molly Friedman · 07/14/08 12:25PM
Another day, another provocative pictorial series starring a scantily clad Miley Cyrus. The latest batch of photos featuring the 15-year old Billion Dollar Girl staging her own personal Playboy Jr. shoot for boyfriend Nick Jonas has surfaced online, thanks to a hacker who claims he got a hold of everything on Miley's iPhone. We've already seen Miley's makeout sessions with various girls and boys, eating her clothes off and, of course, daringly flashing her bare back in Vanity Fair. But now we have the (uncomfortable) pleasure of seeing the then-14 year old showering in a wet t-shirt, photographing her widely seen midriff and, in a highly anticipated step closer to actual kiddie porn, totally topless. And judging by Miley's posing style, stances, and familiar Blow A Kiss act, this is not a matter of kids growin' up so fast these days. If you're looking to point fingers, look no further than original self-produced porn star Lindsay Lohan:
Did Prolific Robert Rodriguez Trade Rose McGowan for 22-Year-Old in His Latest Romantic Drama?
STV · 07/08/08 05:30PM
Box-office bombs and Barbarella casting crises aside, we hear today that the Robert Rodriguez Girlfriend Roundelay may have simply been too crowded for Rose McGowan to keep her place during the couple's bust-up. A tipster sends word that Rodriguez has moved on to 22-year-old Kat Dennings, the Charlie Bartlett ingenue currently shooting Shorts with the filmmaker in Austin; the duo has reportedly been seen at locales around town — including Rodriguez's hot tub, we're told — but for all we know that could just be a bit of refreshment after a long, midsummer day under the scorching Texas sun.
Reese Witherspoon and Christina Ricci Are Just Friends. For Now.
Molly Friedman · 02/21/08 12:00PM
Looks like Penelope co-stars Christina Ricci and Reese Witherspoon could learn a thing or two from touchy-feely new couple Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman: when co-starring in a film that's not guaranteed to be a hit, don't stop at matching haircuts and standing thisclose together at the premiere. Go in for the kill already! Holding on to each other and smiling from ear to ear (but not rear to rear), Reesetina looked almost as lovey-dovey as ScarNat at the LA premiere of Penelope last night, but one set of tattooed cleavage does not a Fake Kiss make.
Hot Russian Lady Killer Dead In Carjack
Joshua David Stein · 01/30/08 07:17AM
Proving that Russia is wondrous strange and a little very scary, the trashy Brit tabloid the Daily Mail has the story of the inordinately beautiful Russian bodyguard Anna Loginova who was killed trying to prevent her Porsche from being carjacked. She didn't succeed. Loginova ran a lady bodyguard service for "Russia's billionaires, wives and mistresses" in which beautiful KGB-trained women would provide companionship and protection for people we assume looked like Viggo Mortensen in Eastern Promises but less dreamily sinister and more just sinister. More details and, duh, half nudie shots after the jump.