Suits Sell, But Who's Buying? Not Dave Mustaine
A.J. Daulerio · 01/02/13 01:25PM
If you were lolling around the internet during the holidays, many of you probably read Megadeth lead singer Dave Mustaine's bitchy evisceration of suit-merchant Men's Warehouse via his personal Facebook page after they screwed up a gift certificate purchase he made, putting a damper on his gift-giving spirit. The songwriter of neck-snapping ditties like "Wake Up Dead, " "Peace Sells," and, my personal favorite, "Holy Wars...The Punishment Due" showcases his consumer advocacy letter-writing ability of demon-fisted prose like "For almost 9 days now I have been waiting for delivery of this gift certificate, and I wouldn't say anything because it IS the holidays, but these salesmen promised that they would GUARANTEE a two-day delivery of the certificate..." The word guarantee is one Mustaine takes seriously so the lack of follow-through on this promise by Men's Warehouse has aggrieved him so much that he implored all Megadeth fans ("Droogies") to purchase off-the-rack, somewhat-reasonably priced men's apparel elsewhere because Men's Warehouse starts trouble, spreads pain, and has piss and venom in its veins. Yes, holiday bustle aside, they are liars, he says.