
Blueprint of a Subway Shooting

Andy Cush · 05/12/15 11:41AM

Brooklyn district attorney Ken Thompson announced last week that he would not seek to file charges against 69-year-0ld Willie Groomes, who fatally shot 32-year-old Gilbert Drogheo in the Borough Hall subway station on March 10. Thompson’s office declined to elaborate on its reasoning beyond a brief statement saying, “While the death of this young man was indeed tragic, we cannot prove any charge of homicide beyond a reasonable doubt.”

The Subway Slaying That Wasn't a Crime

Andy Cush · 05/08/15 05:00PM

Linda Rodriguez was lying in bed when the knock at the door came. Her youngest son, Eric Maldonado, 17, heard it first. He figured it was his older brother Gilbert coming home. Gilbert Drogheo, 32, was a jokester, and Eric knew if he got up and let him in, they might be up all night chatting. Eric had school the next day, so he left it for his mother to answer. Before she did, the phone next to her bed started ringing.

Subway Shooter Willie Groomes Will Not Be Charged in Slaying

Andy Cush · 05/04/15 07:19PM

Willie Groomes, a retired correction officer who shot and killed 32-year-old Gilbert Drogheo in Brooklyn’s Borough Hall subway station in March, will not be indicted in the shooting, Brooklyn District Attorney Kenneth Thompson announced in a statement this evening.