
Gun Club Raises $12,000 for Zimmerman to Buy New Guns, Security System

Cord Jefferson · 07/26/13 02:26PM

A gun club in Ohio has raised over $12,000 to buy George Zimmerman new guns or a security system after the 9mm pistol Zimmerman used to kill Trayvon Martin was taken into evidence by the U.S. Justice Department. The department is currently conducting a civil rights investigation into Martin's shooting, while the gun club argues that Justice is actually violating Zimmerman's civil rights by keeping his handgun from him.

George Zimmerman Just Saved Someone from a Car Accident

Max Read · 07/22/13 12:18PM

What's George Zimmerman been up to in the days since he was acquitted of the murder of Trayvon Martin? Mostly just staying in hiding and dodging death threats. But also pulling people out of overturned trucks:

Racial Profiling Is “Common Sense" to Kathleen Parker

Hamilton Nolan · 07/17/13 12:40PM

No matter how great the backlash, the venerable Washington Post is determined to publish explanations from white columnists of why Trayvon Martin's death was actually very understandable. Today: Kathleen Parker says that racial profiling is "common sense." Oh yes.

Juror B37 Is Praying for "Travon's Parents"

Max Read · 07/17/13 11:02AM

Book deal-exploring Zimmerman trial juror B37 has released a statement through CNN's Carol Costello, the morning after four of her fellow jurors distanced themselves from her statements on Anderson Cooper's show.

Cord Jefferson · 07/16/13 10:32AM

An open letter to George Zimmerman: "For the rest of your life you are now going to feel what it's like to be a black man in America. You will feel people stare at you. Judging you for what you think are unfair reasons. ... People will cross the street when they see you coming. They will call you hurtful names."

Taylor Berman · 07/15/13 08:46PM

In an interview with Anderson Cooper, George Zimmerman Juror B37 said she “had no doubt” Zimmerman feared for his life during his confrontation with Trayvon Martin. She also said she believed Zimmerman would have reacted “the exact same way” if Martin had been white and that the jurors did not discuss racial profiling.

George Zimmerman Juror B37 Hates Media, Called Trayvon "Boy of Color"

Hamilton Nolan · 07/15/13 12:03PM

A mere two days after finding George Zimmerman innocent of the murder of Trayvon Martin, juror B37 in the case has signed on with a prominent literary agent, as a prelude to a book deal. This juror is a woman who hates the media and went into the trial mistakenly believing there were "riots" over the case.