Not at Home: George Whipple
cityfile · 08/01/08 06:58AMGeorge Whipple
cityfile · 02/03/08 09:32PMGeorge Whipple
Team Party Crash: "Reno 911!: Miami" Premiere @ Tribeca Cinemas Gallery
gdelahaye · 02/22/07 12:55PM
If we were even slightly lamer than we are, we would start this post by saying "Freeze! Put your hands in the air...if you LOVE Reno 911!" But we're not that lame. We, like, totally rule. So we won't say that. We'll just mention that it's not every day that someone makes a movie based on a TV show without at least having Ben Stiller or Owen Wilson involved, so we were very excited to see that Reno 911!: Miami, coming out this Friday, was completely Stillson free. It's also not every day that you get to see the host of Clean House walking down Miami beach in a Baywatch one-piece and a fat suit. Style Network, HOLLA! After the jump, Kate photographs the Tribeca Cinema Series screening of Reno 911!: Miami, and Gabriel Delahaye does not review the movie.