
Former Christie Staffer: Governor "Flat Out Lied" to Reporters About Bridgegate

Brendan O'Connor · 08/10/16 01:40PM

A redacted transcript of a damning set of text messages between former staffers working for Governor Chris Christie was unsealed on Wednesday. In one exchange, from December 13, 2013, the pair discuss a press conference the governor was giving about the still-developing George Washington Bridge lane closing scandal. “Are you listening?” Christina Renna, who worked in part of the governor’s office focused on his re-election campaign, wrote. “He just flat out lied about senior staff and [campaign manager Bill] Stepien not being involved.”

Chris Christie's Lawyers Hid One of His Personal Email Accounts from the Feds

Brendan O'Connor · 06/29/16 03:13PM

For two-and-a-half years, New Jersey governor Chris Christie has maintained that he provided federal investigators looking into the 2013 George Washington lane closures with complete access to both his personal and government email accounts. According to WNYC, however, new court filings show that this was not actually the case, supporting earlier allegations from two defendants indicted in the scheme that Christie’s lawyers destroyed and withheld evidence.