Abortion Doc Killer Gets life In Prison
Adrian Chen · 04/01/10 09:40PMDoctor-killer Guilty of First-degree Murder
Pareene · 01/29/10 12:16PMWait, Did Geraldo Just Ask the Fox News Audience to Kill a Child Molester?
John Cook · 06/30/09 09:55AMLast night on Fox News, Geraldo Rivera took a hit out on David Earls, a convicted child-rapist whose atrociously low sentence Bill O'Reilly has been demagoguing.
PR Awesomeness: Louisville Church Inviting Gun Owners To Bring Guns To Church.
Foster Kamer · 06/27/09 06:00PMRandall Terry's Free Beer, Wings, and Hate Party Not Well-Attended
Pareene · 06/12/09 09:28AMDrudge Would Rather Not Dwell on Right-Wing Terrorism
John Cook · 06/11/09 11:57AMFree Hot Wings at Pro-Right Wing Violence Press Conference!
Pareene · 06/10/09 02:54PMGeorge Tiller's Family Shutters His Clinic
The Cajun Boy · 06/09/09 09:26PMJoe Scarborough's 'Team' Asks for, Receives Special Treatment from Newsweek
John Cook · 06/09/09 10:49AMJoe Scarborough Once Defended the Murderer of an Abortion Doctor
John Cook · 06/04/09 03:44PMBill O'Reilly Attacks 'Far Left' For Criticism Over Death of George Tiller
The Cajun Boy · 06/01/09 08:42PMRandall Terry Says George Tiller 'Reaped What He Sowed,' Invites Press Out for Wings and Beer
The Cajun Boy · 06/01/09 07:53PMIn the first clip, Terry denies his movements culpability in Tiller's murder, then immediately turns around and says he basically got what he deserved—-"Pro-life leaders and the pro-life movement are not responsible for George Tiller's death. George Tiller was a mass-murderer and, horrifically, he reaped what he sowed."
Dear Jesse Watters
John Cook · 06/01/09 10:40AMTiller Murder Suspect Steeped in Jesus-Freakery, Extremism
The Cajun Boy · 06/01/09 12:37AM
All day the speculation around the murder of George Tiller was whether or not it was ideologically motivated. Tonight a suspect is in custody and it's been confirmed that he's a religious extremist who is well-known for plotting domestic terrorism and advocated the killing of doctors who performed abortions.
Bill O'Reilly's Holy War Against George Tiller
The Cajun Boy · 05/31/09 09:16PM
Bill O'Reilly has been harassing George Tiller, the Kansas abortion doctor murdered at the church where he served as a deacon earlier today, for some time now, both with incendiary rhetoric and by dispatching producers Jesse Watters and Porter Barry to ambush him, his lawyer, and the Governor of Kansas.
Barack Obama On George Tiller's Death: "Shocked and Outraged"
Foster Kamer · 05/31/09 05:56PMObama's statement on George Tiller's death: "I am shocked and outraged by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning. However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence." [Wichita Eagle]