
Clinton Mistress Backing Hillary, Selling Hillary-Is-a-Lesbian Rumors

J.K. Trotter · 09/19/13 12:16PM

Bill Clinton's mistress is back! No, not that one—or that one. The other one! Gennifer Flowers has a new internet column, and to promote it she's there in the Daily Mail, the only appropriate outlet, giving away some ancient Hillary-is-a-lesbian "gems" and endorsing the de facto Democratic candidate for president:

Gennifer Flowers Now Looks Like Dolly Parton

Rich Juzwiak · 03/20/13 04:45PM

Where Are They Now? is kind of like OWN's version of a TLC freak show except the freaks who detail their lives in inevitably fascinating babble are people whose notoriety Oprah Winfrey helped facilitate. (Never forget that OWN is owned by O.) Or at least, they are people formerly of note. Such was the case on last night's episode featuring Gennifer Flowers, the woman who claimed to have an affair with Bill Clinton during his first run for office in 1992. She claims that Star magazine came to her with knowledge of her involvement, which caused her to announce it to the public.

The Clinton Penis Chat

Ryan Tate · 06/11/08 01:18AM

Because the internet is a miraculous place where revenge fantasies come true , Gennifer Flowers and Paula Jones are selling video of themselves chatting about former president Bill Clinton and his sexual predation. Flowers, you'll recall, described during Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign a 12-year affair with him, while Jones accused Clinton of exposing himself to her in a hotel room in 1991. Hence the interview segments — $1.99 each — entitled "Paula And The President's Penis" and "Gennifer's Story And The Presidential Penis." There are five other segments, meaning the full video will run you $14. But the Guardian gives it a limp review: