
Watch Glenn Beck Put a Man in a Wig to Teach Guys Jokes About Rape

Adam Weinstein · 05/30/14 01:49PM

Glenn Beck thinks that not nearly as many women on college campuses are raped or assaulted as the government does. He wants you to understand the truth, which is why he aired this bizarre pantomime between a "rape expert" and a guy in a wig and skirt.

Duke Student Sues For Diploma After He's Expelled for Sexual Assault

Adam Weinstein · 05/28/14 11:20AM

A senior at Duke University who was banned from graduating after a school panel found him responsible for raping an "emotional" classmate has filed suit to get his degree so he can accept a "prestigious position" offered to him by a firm on Wall Street.

Claiming "Mixed Signals" Is a Great Rape Defense, Says Military Times

Adam Weinstein · 05/22/14 10:49AM

The United States armed forces have a sexual assault problem. As in: How does a service member avoid sexual assault charges? Fortunately, Military Times' legal advice columnist has you covered: If you can claim you got mixed signals, you can beat the rap.

Columbia Announces It Will "Deal With the Issues of Sexual Assault"

Adam Weinstein · 05/16/14 02:28PM

Columbia University plans to create a second rape-crisis center on campus and add staff positions to help it "deal with the issues of sexual assault and related misconduct," the school's president, Lee Bollinger, announced yesterday. The university also intends to add Title IX investigators on campus and to create a new position of executive vice president for student affairs, with responsibility for overseeing sexual-assault claims.

People Might Like Gun Nuts More if They Weren't Such Dicks to Women

Adam Weinstein · 05/15/14 09:20AM

They call you a "stupid bitch" and "motherfucking whore" and "thugs with jugs." They stoop down to your wheelchair to spit in your face. They stalk you and ambush you in the dark outside your home. If you're a woman and you think guns should maybe be regulated a bit more, this is what you get.

Who's Writing the Names of Alleged Campus Rapists on Columbia's Walls?

Adam Weinstein · 05/13/14 02:30PM

Columbia University has come under serious scrutiny for its handling of campus sexual-assault allegations lately. Legal complaints have been filed. Tell-alls have been written. And now, unsatisfied students are taking to the school's walls, sharing the names of alleged assaulters.

S.C. College Forced to Close Gender-Studies Center After Lesbian Play

Adam Weinstein · 05/13/14 12:59PM

Amid political pressure over its decisions to put on a "lesbian" play and offer incoming freshmen pro-LGBT readings, an embattled college in the South Carolina public university system has suddenly announced it's closing its gender-studies center.

Student Sues Over Professor's Obsession With Her Bondage-Porn Past

Adam Weinstein · 05/06/14 04:09PM

A former Portland State University undergraduate has filed a $1 million lawsuit against her faculty mentor for sexual harassment over the professor's alleged obsession with the student's experiences as a BDSM model and sexual-abuse survivor.

Right-Wing Bloggers Are Flipping Out Over This YouTube Abortion Video

Adam Weinstein · 05/06/14 01:02PM

This is Emily Letts, a patient advocate at a reproductive clinic in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, just outside Philadelphia. Letts got pregnant and was, in her words, "not ready" to have children. So she got an abortion, and filmed it, and is now a hot target for online critics.

Adam Weinstein · 05/01/14 12:57PM

The Department of Education now has open Title IX sexual-violence and harassment investigations at 55 institutions of higher learning in the United States, according to an updated list released today. Is your college on it?

Sexist Dentist Creeps on Patient, Patient Shames Him in Online Letter

Adam Weinstein · 04/25/14 01:20PM

Hey there, sweetness. No cavities. You are a great flosser. But why don't you smile more? I bet it's 'cause of this little gap here in your cute little bunny teeth. No, here. Open up, let me show you. I've got just the thing you need. Your boss'll give you a raise! Just lie back and let me take care of it.

Stop Booting Little Girls From School for What They Look Like, America

Adam Weinstein · 03/25/14 03:20PM

A girl, 9, shaves her head in solidarity with a friend who's in chemo, and she gets suspended from school. Another girl, 8, wears t-shirts, jeans and sneakers, and she gets suspended, too. Their institutions have different reasons, but the result is the same: bullshit expectations put on little girls.

Adam Weinstein · 01/15/14 09:03AM

If you had January 15th in the "When Will the First Male GOP Congressional Candidate Make News in 2014 For Having Said Something Stupid About Rape?" office pool, you can go ahead and collect now.