
Councilman Peter Vallone Does Not Appreciate Hollywood Constantly Mocking Christians

Danny Gold · 03/05/12 07:20PM

Queens Councilman Peter F. Vallone, Jr., took time out of his busy schedule of personally hunting down graffiti artists to speak out against Hollywood's war on Christians. What's got the councilman all fired up? The title of a new show on ABC, GCB, short for Good Christian Bitches. Judging by the subway poster, which is the closest I will ever get to watching this show, it's about a pretty white blond lady in her 30's who wears a lot of jewelry. Posted the councilman on his facebook:

ABC's GCB in 30 Seconds

Matt Toder · 03/05/12 02:50PM

Last night was the premiere of ABC's new primetime soap GCB. Once called Good Christian Bitches, the show is all Dallas, money, drinking and God. Here's the whole pilot summed up in 30 seconds.