
Back to School

Richard Lawson · 01/24/09 05:00PM

"Students at Jabalia Prep C Boys School participate in calisthenics on the first day back to school since the cease-fire with Israel January 24, 2009 in Jabalia, Gaza Strip. Schools in Gaza were closed for over 20 days as fighting between Hamas and the Israeli army made school attendance too dangerous. On the first day back, area counselors spent the day evaluating students and creating a light-hearted atmosphere for children to relax." via Getty

Watch Israel Bomb Gaza On YouTube

Richard Lawson · 12/30/08 01:45PM

It's brand new as of yesterday. What they're (they = the Israeli Defense Forces' Spokesperson's Unit) using it for is to, well, show instances of successful bombings in Gaza. Because, you know, they're doing that whole fighting with Hamas thing again. Apparently YouTube administrators took down one particularly graphic video, but the IDF remains committed to showing horrible bombings to drum up some positive PR. The channel's profile reads: