
Gay Teen Now Being Blamed for His Own Murder

Brian Moylan · 08/11/11 02:32PM

Fifteen year-old Larry King (no relation to the CNN interviewer) was shot twice in the back of the head by his classmate Brandon McInerney while sitting in school in Oxnard, California. Now that McInerney is on trial, the boy's legal team and the school administration are using the tried and true "he was asking for it" defense. This is totally disgusting.

Michele Bachmann Has No Comment On the Teen Suicide Epidemic in Her Own Backyard

Seth Abramovitch · 07/26/11 12:41AM

Gay-hating presidential aspirant Michele Bachmann represents a district of Minnesota which public health officials have labeled a "suicide contagion area," according to a deeply disturbing piece in Mother Jones. Here's why: In the space of two years, nine teenagers from the area have taken their own lives—the most recent one in May—while "many more" have attempted suicide unsuccessfully. Most of them were known or perceived to be LGBT youth.

Can Perez Hilton Really Clean Up His Act?

Brian Moylan · 10/13/10 03:37PM

Blogger and face scribbler Perez Hilton is taking to Ellen DeGeneres, YouTube, and Out magazine today to say that he's not going to bully celebrities on his website from now on. Is he serious or is this a PR stunt?

TV's Gay Teens Are Having a Moment

Richard Lawson · 04/07/10 03:05PM

Remember when Ricky was gay-ish on My So-Called Life and it was sort of a big deal? Well those days are over. There are several gay teen characters currently on the air, and no one's saying boo.