
How to Not Look Like a Slob at Dinner

John Bridges · 08/23/12 10:59AM

Welcome to A Gentleman's Quest for the Perfect Night Out, a four-part guide written by etiquette expert John Bridges meant to instruct our more testosteroney readers on how to comport themselves during the evening hours. With the help of Clear Men Scalp Therapy, which gives you 100% dandruff protection* (because, after all, perfect hair ensures a perfect night), the guide covers all the man-questions you were always curious about, but were too ashamed to ask your dad. Don't worry. This is a safe space.

How to Be Sharp in a City Full of Predators

Studio@Gawker · 08/20/12 10:59AM

As cliché as it might sound, the city really can be a jungle. Between subway seat-stealing sharks, carnivorous coworkers and prideful packs of hyena-like shopgirls, it's easy to feel like a quivering antelope fearfully grazing near the watering hole/ water cooler. So how can you be sharp amongst so many predators?

How to Make the Perfect Cocktail

John Bridges · 08/16/12 10:59AM

Welcome to A Gentleman's Quest for the Perfect Night Out, a four-part guide written by etiquette expert John Bridges meant to instruct our more testosteroney readers on how to comport themselves during the evening hours. With the help of Clear Men Scalp Therapy, which gives you 100% dandruff protection* (because, after all, perfect hair ensures a perfect night), the guide covers all the man-questions you were always curious about, but were too ashamed to ask your dad. Don't worry. This is a safe space.

Last Thursday Was Pretty Much the Best Night Ever

Rose Annis · 08/15/12 10:59AM

The library is just about the last place most people expect to be on a mid-summer night. And yet, in a city over run by cheesy clubs, crowded streets, and noisy, sweaty tourists, the hallowed stacks of the New York Public Library might just be the perfect escape – especially when said stacks act as the backdrop to one of the season's best events.

How to Dress Like a Real Man

John Bridges · 08/09/12 02:59PM

Welcome to A Gentleman's Quest for the Perfect Night Out, a four-part guide written by etiquette expert John Bridges meant to instruct our more testosteroney readers on how to comport themselves during the evening hours. With the help of Clear Men Scalp Therapy, which gives you 100% dandruff protection* (because, after all, perfect hair ensures a perfect night), it will cover all the man-questions you were always curious about, but were too ashamed to ask your dad. Don't worry. This is a safe space.

Owning a Bar Is So Much Better than Taking the Bar

Studio@Gawker · 08/01/12 10:59AM

Ah, the life of a bar owner. You get to sleep all day, gab with your friends all night, and you never, ever have to pay 12 bucks for a watered down Jack and Coke. In fact, other people pay you for that sad excuse for a drink. Don't you wish you could own a bar when you grow up? Sadly, despite what your first grade teacher might have told you, you can't be whatever your little heart desires. Most of you will have to settle for being ballerinas, or astronauts, or firemen.

Diana Levine Test

Studio@Gawker · 07/18/12 09:27AM

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum volutpat eleifend nisl non volutpat. Donec nec risus ipsum. Nunc dignissim, mi vitae suscipit semper, augue mauris pellentesque ipsum, non volutpat tellus turpis a diam. Suspendisse nunc enim, convallis sed tempus non, dictum vel enim. Nulla vel est turpis. Vivamus sit amet purus nibh, a commodo libero. In pretium consequat tincidunt. In adipiscing dui sed felis pretium lobortis. Aenean id nisi sit amet elit convallis facilisis. Sed sed elit id odio posuere gravida sit amet nec nunc. Mauris dictum fermentum mi id fringilla. Fusce a lectus et velit mattis malesuada. Proin posuere placerat felis at aliquam.

Just Try It: the Comedy Schools and Programs to Get You Started at Being Funny on Stage

Bradford Evans · 07/16/12 02:59PM

Performing comedy for the first time — whether it's improv, sketch or standup — can be an intimidating experience, which keeps a lot of would-be first-timers from taking a stab at it. Luckily for panicky novices, though, there are several well-regarded programs that hold your hand through the getting-your-feet-wet process. While conventional wisdom seems to dictate that with standup, it's best to get started by performing at an open mic instead of taking standup classes, sketch and improv lend themselves more to curriculum and classes, and several well-regarded schools have popped up over the past several decades to help wannabe performers get started.

4chan's Moment Is Over Even Though It's More Popular Than Ever

Adrian Chen · 07/12/12 03:36PM

At the internet culture conference ROFLCON in May, the assembled geek digerati were asked during one panel if they were readers of 4chan, the legendary butthole of the internet. A bare smattering of hands went up in the MIT lecture hall.

The 2012 Gawker Media Census Results Are In

Studio@Gawker · 06/20/12 10:59AM

You might have noticed that over the past few weeks we've been bugging you to take the 2012 Gawker Media Census. Well, try not to cry too hard, but the most exciting survey on the whole World Wide Web has come to a close. We learned all sorts of fun facts about the 3,495 Gawker fans who responded this year, like how 50% of readers now watch more movies on their computers than they do on TV. So maybe Qwikster wasn't such a terrible idea?

Make Your Terribly Awkward First Date Slightly Less Awkward and Terrible

Studio@Gawker · 06/19/12 10:59AM

Ahh, first dates. You wash your armpits in the sink, bring extra breath freshener, and study up on the day's trending Twitter topics, and yet you still feel hopelessly unprepared. Well, if you take this quick survey, you could be entered to win a $150 Ticketmaster gift card—the perfect cheapskate way to get two tickets to a really cool event. Take your date out in style, and hopefully you can avoid talking to them completely!

Summer City-dwellers, Make this Sweltering Season Suck Less

Studio@Gawker · 06/13/12 02:59PM

Summer can terrible for those stuck in the city. The air stinks of tourist's sweaty sunblock residue, all the good-looking, rich locals are at beach houses you could never afford, and your 4th floor walk-up is barbarically under air-conditioned. However, if you take this short survey, you could win this portable gas grill—the perfect preemptive way to make the dog days of summer less doggy. Drag it to your roof/ fire escape/ abandoned lot down the block, and you'll be flipping burgers and pretending you where somewhere else in no time!

First Look at the New 1860s Cop Drama, Copper, Includes Brass Knuckles, Whores, and Murder

Studio@Gawker · 06/13/12 10:59AM

Now that you've read all about New York City's bloody history, prepare to descend into the world of Copper, BBC America's brand-new, original series. Academy Award®-winner Barry Levinson (Good Morning Vietnam, Rain Man) is among its executive producers, and he and series co-creator, Emmy®-winner Tom Fontana (Oz, Homicide: Life on the Streets), are big-time NYC history buffs.

Five Sites from New York City's Secret Bloody Past You Can Still Visit Today

Megan Gilbert · 06/11/12 10:59AM

Did you know a bouncer called Gallus Mag used to bite off patrons' ears and store them in pickle jars in one of modern-day New York City's most well-known watering holes? Taking a cue from Copper, the new BBC America show about the violence, corruption, race riots, and class struggle of 1860s New York, here's a few of the city's historically gory addresses that you can still visit today — along with where to find them.