
Watch Sanitation Workers Destroy a Ford Explorer in Brooklyn Today

Matt Cherette · 12/27/10 06:13PM

Here's some amateur video that was taken today in New York City's Brooklyn Heights neighborhood. Watch as sanitation workers attempt to free a snowbound front loader—and destroy a nearby Ford Explorer in the process. 2010's blizzard claims another!

Dental Patient Under Heavy Anesthesia Simulates Driving Race Car

Christopher Han · 12/26/10 01:51PM

Technically, this qualifies as a DUI. While getting his wisdom teeth removed, this driving fan kicks his imaginary car into overdrive, accompanying his pedal and gear motions with amusing engine sounds. His YouTube username is CarAficionado24.

Watch a Machine Fill Cups of Beer From the Bottom

Matt Cherette · 12/24/10 05:01PM

Uh, holy crap. That's all I have to say about this video, which depicts a concession stand worker using a machine to fill up cups of beer from the bottom. That's right—the beer comes in THROUGH THE BOTTOM.

Enrique Iglesias' New Music Video Is Basically a Softcore Porno

Matt Cherette · 12/22/10 09:27PM

In the music video for Enrique Iglesias' new single, "Tonight (I'm Fuckin' You)," he woos sexual conquests with, "Please excuse me, I don't mean to be rude, but tonight I'm fuckin' you." And he does. Lots! The NSFW video, inside.

Lost Alf Footage: Alf Says the "N Word"

Richard Blakeley · 12/21/10 11:51AM

Watch a "lost" blooper reel containing the iconic 80's wise cracking extra terrestrial puppet dropping the N-bomb and more. The footage comes from a YouTube user that bought the footage as a VHS tape off of Ebay ten years ago.

Watch CNN's Sanjay Gupta Make the Worst Segue Ever

Matt Cherette · 12/21/10 12:12AM

Tonight, Dr. Sanjay Gupta hosted Anderson Cooper 360 in Cooper's stead. After Cooper sees the way Gupta began things, however, he may not ask him back. Inside, watch Gupta accidentally call Cooper a pedophile during a segue gone horribly awry.

Here's a Two-Minute Encapsulation of Sarah Palin's Utter Delusion

Matt Cherette · 12/20/10 12:19AM

Here's a clip from tonight's Sarah Palin's Alaska. Watch as Palin condescendingly pretends to be domestic, insults Michelle Obama, dances around the issue of daughter Willow's boyfriend, and defends giving her children lots of freedom—all in two minutes!