
Thanksgiving Gluttons, Show Us Your Food Porn Pictures

Robert Kessler · 11/22/12 04:00PM

The beautiful thing about Thanksgiving is that no two plates are ever the same; no two stuffings or pies or turkey legs are the same. It's a melting pot! Like America! So what does your meal look like today? Are you feasting on a deep fried turducken? Or is this year's fare a slab of tofurkey with a side of locally-sourced vegan dressing?

You Are Probably Going to Enjoy Yourself This Thanksgiving, So Shut Up

Mobutu Sese Seko · 11/22/12 01:37PM

Call it the Seinfeldization of America, if you want. Somewhere in the last 20 years, a great mass of our fellow citizens decided that transforming every quotidian obligation of their existence into a Sisyphean fucking ordeal was an acceptable substitute for having something to say.