
How Much Did We Need This Blasphemy?

Maria Bustillos · 01/08/15 05:50PM

Even Ross Douthat came out swinging yesterday in favor of the slain cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo ("The Blasphemy We Need"). Since it is difficult to find even one square inch of common ground between right and left in American politics, this ought to have come as good news. Unfortunately, Douthat's Take is yet another of the many, many exercises in facile hypocrisy we've seen since yesterday.

Fear City: The Insane Pamphlet the NYPD Used to Terrorize 1970s New York

Andy Cush · 01/08/15 04:24PM

In the weeks since Officer Daniel Pantaleo escaped indictment for killing Eric Garner, the NYPD and organizations that support it have targeted Bill de Blasio with airborne banners, mass back-turnings, and memes about his wife's choice of legwear. It's a horrible display of police fearmongering and entitlement—but it all pales in comparison to "Welcome to Fear City," a pamphlet law enforcement unions published four decades ago to attack the mayor they hated.

Terrorism Works

Hamilton Nolan · 01/08/15 02:36PM

Terrorism persists because terrorism works. Terrorism works because we let it.

Fred Armisen Has a Reputation

Jordan Sargent · 01/08/15 12:53PM

The fifth season of Fred Armisen's hipster sketch show Portlandia premieres tonight, and if you spend enough time reading about the comedian online, you'll be left with two impressions: First, that he's funny and charming. And second, that his charm and humor mask something of a reputation. For what exactly depends on whom you ask, but here are some adjectives that have been used to describe him over the years: "womanizer," "sociopath," "traumatizing," and, from Armisen himself, "terrible."

The Bill de Blasio Marijuana Rumors are Coming from Cops

J.K. Trotter · 01/08/15 12:26PM

For the bulk of his tenure, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio has been dogged by rumors that he and his wife consume marijuana with some frequency. Yesterday, at a press conference in Brooklyn, he told a Daily Caller reporter that “I haven’t smoked marijuana since I was at NYU” and denied he ever smoked weed at Gracie Mansion, the official residence of the mayor. We’ve asked about these rumors ourselves. It’s worth highlighting, however, who exactly is spreading them: The mayor’s security detail and their colleagues in the New York City Police Department.

NYPD Union President Patrick Lynch Is Completely Nuts: A History

J.K. Trotter · 12/22/14 03:39PM

Patrick Lynch is the 51-year-old president of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, the largest and most influential union of the New York City Police Department. You might recognize his name: Over the weekend, Lynch blamed Bill de Blasio for the Saturday deaths of two Brooklyn cops who were murdered by a lone gunman from Georgia. “That blood on the hands,” he said at a press conference, “starts on the steps of City Hall, in the office of the mayor.”

Do Not Listen to the Crazy Man Telling You to Quit Your Job

Hamilton Nolan · 12/22/14 11:50AM

Noted media thinker Jay Rosen offers this advice to to working journalists: if you don't thoroughly understand your company's business model, then "you should quit." Allow us to offer this counterpoint: whatever you do, do not listen to this man.

Every Rape Reported at Fraternities This Year

Allie Jones · 12/22/14 09:00AM

In 1776, the Phi Beta Kappa society was founded at the College of William and Mary for men in the "pursuit of liberal education and intellectual fellowship." Over the course of the next two centuries, Greek letter societies proliferated across the U.S. and morphed into the all-male butt-chugging clubs we know as fraternities today. This year in particular was big for frats, in that they were clearly identified as the primary arena for rape to take place on campus.

Here Are the Scumbags Blaming de Blasio and Obama for Slain Cops

Hudson Hongo · 12/21/14 03:45PM

After shooting his girlfriend Saturday morning, 28-year-old Ismaaiyl Brinsley of Union City, Georgia traveled from Baltimore to New York and gunned down two NYPD officers, apparently in retaliation for recent police-related homicides. According to some commentators, however, Brinsley was only partially responsible for the murders, aided by accomplices Bill de Blasio and Barack Obama.

"I Can Breathe": An Evening with the Men of #ThankYouNYPD

Brendan O'Connor · 12/20/14 09:30AM

If you wanted to hear both sides of the argument about race relations in America last night, you might have made your way down to City Hall in New York, where pro-NYPD and anti-racism demonstrators yelled at each other across barricades. "You're a fucking racist," one side screamed. "You're a fucking moron," the other side screamed back.

New York's Law Enforcement Unions Are Filled With Pathetic Crybabies

Andy Cush · 12/19/14 03:35PM

Patrick Lynch, chairman of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association and head spokesbaby for the inconsolable id of the NYPD, gave a private speech to his union last week. Bill de Blasio "is not running the city of New York," he said in response to a series of perceived slights from City Hall. "He thinks he's running a fucking revolution." The raging toddlers in attendance howled and smacked their tiny palms together in approval.

The Weirdest Shit in Movies This Year

Rich Juzwiak · 12/19/14 10:05AM

If a movie is not going to show us something new, it should at least show us something different. Below are some examples, for better and certainly for worse, of some weird shit I noticed in some of my favorite and least favorite movies of 2014. (Warning: There are, I guess, spoilers below. Also, in addition to that cartoon boob is one one human boob.) Please feel free to share some of your favorite weird moments in the comments below.

Dear Sony, We'll Screen The Interview For You

Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/14 05:10PM

Faceless hackers—reportedly sponsored by a brutal regime —have succeeded in striking so much fear into the movie industry that nobody will show The Interview. Well, not us. We'd like to formally offer to show it.

Here Is Vice Media's Salary Breakdown

Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/14 04:05PM

Vice Media, now valued at two and a half billion dollars, made a ton of money this year. How much do its employees make? Here is Vice's most detailed information yet.

Christmas Is a Wonderful, Secular Holiday

Rich Juzwiak · 12/18/14 12:00PM

Even when I was a believer, God had virtually no place in my Christmas. Each December 25, I suffered through Catholic mass, feeling each second crawl by. I had things to do, presents to open, Christmas movies to rewatch, sisters to fight with, extended family to see, food to eat and eat and eat. I might have considered the Catholic implications of the holiday while in church, but only in the way that you consider the car in front of you that's moving too slowly.