
A Tangle Of Alliances At A Gawker Book Party

Emily Gould · 10/05/07 02:30PM

"Who you know is everything in the media biz. Second in importance is letting others know you know. Name-dropping is an art form that can take years to perfect... if the person is truly famous, never overtly say that you know them, you've spoken to them, or they're a friend. Instead, gracefully weave in a mention of something they said." That's from the Gawker Guide To Conquering All Media, out now from Atria Books! And you know, coincidentally, that is just what Maer always says! He was there! Nikola Tamindzic recorded the moments for whatever sick posterity might want it.

What Was Your Favorite Part Of The Gawker Book Party?

Emily Gould · 10/05/07 01:40PM

Our video bots Nick and Richard Blakeley lurked in the stairwell of Nick Denton's apartment building, asking departing guests what they thought of the party last night for "The Gawker Guide To Conquering All Media," which is changing the face of literature. Hampton Style editor Deb Schoeneman thought up a great joke about how it was "better than Cats." But own-minds power couple Jakulia Allodwick are "just glad it's over." The glare of the spotlight burns!