
Gavin Newsom complains about his Yelp rating

Jackson West · 04/22/08 08:00PM

Yelp founder Jeremy Stoppelman and Nish Nadaraja, marketing director of the local listing site, sat down with San Francisco's preternaturally hunky god-mayor Gavin Newsom. Newsom agreed to the meeting in order to convince Yelpers he's "more hip than the 3.5 stars makes me appear." Before they lobbed him softball questions in earnest, he got to pitch his environmentalist credentials, taking credit for a greener taxi fleet — though his executive order commanding municipal agencies to convert to greener vehicles has stalled, and it was the Board of Supervisors who passed the taxi legislation. All most voters seem to care about is The Hair:

How to get Gavin Newsom to give you taxpayer dollars

Jackson West · 04/18/08 12:20PM

San Francisco's evil Board of Supervisors is standing in the way of hunky god-mayor Gavin Newsom and his efforts to save the world by giving thousands of dollars to San Francisco home and business owners to install solar panels on their property, if you believe the San Francisco Chronicle. This should give Valley privateers a good idea of how to work with City Hall. Need to divert public money to the private sector, get a few laws changed, and at least win favor with our possible future governor? All it takes if five easy steps.

Genius of Point Break Finally Recognized By Government

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/08 01:52PM

Who among us could not be a changed person after seeing the 1991 beach-based thriller Point Break? Patrick Swayze as the surf gang leader Bodhi; Gary Busey as the world-weary cop Pappas; and Keanu Reeves as Johnny Utah, trying to do whatever he imagined an actor's job to be. The movie became an instant classic, of a sort, in 1991. It took 12 more years before the inevitable stage version of the show, "Point Break LIVE!," hit theatergoers like a surfboard to the face. And that show—in which an audience member is selected to play Johnny Utah each night, and "reads their entire script off cue cards in order to capture the rawness of a Keanu Reeves performance"—has put in five long years on stage before being awarded its own official day in a formal proclamation by San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom. As the immortal Bodhi said, "Goddamn! You are one radical son of a bitch [MAYOR NEWSOM]!" They should make it TWO days:

Brewster Kahle's Internet Archive brings broadband to SF housing projects

Jackson West · 03/28/08 05:00PM

Mayor Gavin Newsom's office tried to garner good press by selling his efforts to bring free Wi-Fi to San Francisco as an effort to bring broadband to the poor, under the auspices of Project Tech Connect. Commercial partners Google and EarthLink just wanted to sell location-targeted ads with a franchise agreement to shut out competitors. Now Brewster Kahle's nonprofit Internet Archive has done what Newsom, Google and EarthLink couldn't. No, not hold yet another press conference. Kahle actually brought 100-megabit-per-second broadband to low-income households.

SF mayor Gavin Newsom cancels free Wi-Fi presser

Jackson West · 03/27/08 03:20PM

In a new low for hunky god-mayor Gavin Newsom's attempts at getting San Francisco's free Wi-Fi off the ground, an 11:45 a.m. press conference to discuss the issue was cancelled today. Why a new low? Because if there's anything the Gavster and his seven-person communication staff are good at, it's giving press conferences. However, you can still see the Hair at 4:30 p.m. when he swears in assorted appointees. (Photo by sfistrita)

Gavin Newsom soon to be driving Tesla Roadster

Jackson West · 03/18/08 07:00PM

The Tesla Roadster, an electric geek dream-machine of a car, is finally entering production. One of the first in line: San Francisco's own Gavin Newsom. The City's hunky god-mayor will soon be mussing his signature coiffure in one of the convertibles. It'll be just the thing to drive down 101 to scare up contributions for the gubernatorial campaign he's thinking about (read: has been planning for the last five years). The young mayor in the sexy electric car is the very picture of political virility, and he just screams "green" — in the good pro-corporate Democrat way, not the bad Green Party vice presidential candidate Matt Gonzalez way. (Photo courtesy of Earth2Tech/Katie Fehrenbacher)

Update: After the jump, Earth2Tech gets up-close and personal with the hair.

Confirmed: Mayor McDreamy plans run for Governor

Paul Boutin · 03/14/08 01:02PM

Need proof that hairgel addict Gavin Newsom is, as the San Francisco Chronicle reports, setting up a run for Governor of California? Read the opinion piece he posted at Daily Kos last week advocating gay marriage. Newsom says it's too early to talk about any plans, but Chron investigative reporters put their union paychecks to use to uncover Newsom's behind-the-scenes groundwork. The pro-business Democrat diverges from Schwarzenegger Republicans on three issues: Legalized gay marriage, universal health care, and protection for illegal immigrants would — at least so far — be part of his platform. Throw in medical cough marijuana, Gav, and you'll sweep the Bay Area vote. (Photo by Mike Kepka / San Francisco Chronicle)

San Francisco is just like Second Life

Mary Jane Irwin · 01/09/08 03:34PM

Gavin Newsom, San Francisco's freshly reelected god-mayor, descended into the bowels of Second Life for a quaint fireside chat with Philip Rosedale, CEO of Linden Lab. What lofty matters could a city mayor and the chieftain of a seamy virtual world possibly have to discuss? Why, the parallels between the "two famously diverse and tech-savvy communities with global profiles," of course. As Newsom said during their discourse, "We're all geeks." But the comparisons don't stop there. San Francisco is exactly like Second Life.

Welcome to the great country of San Francisco

Mary Jane Irwin · 12/10/07 06:00PM

It's been a long-running suggestion that California secede from the United States. But barring a massive tectonic rift, the Cali shows no signs of jumping from its comfy perch. San Francisco has taken matters into its own hands, however, and quietly declared that it's not just a city and a county — it's a country, too. Just like he did with gay weddings three years ago, newly reelected and always hunky dictator-for-life Gavin Newsom was keen to make the shift go by unnoticed. One American patriot spotted the change on her tax bill. The jig's up, Newsom. (Photo by g-na)

Owen Thomas · 12/05/07 05:05PM

Who knew Yelp, the San Francisco-based local reviews site, had such pull in City Hall? Hunky god-mayor Gavin Newsom has proclaimed December 5, 2007, as "Yelp Day." [Yelp Blog]

City Hall refuses to ban intern-boffing

Paul Boutin · 11/23/07 11:33AM

San Francisco supervisors this week rejected a legislation that would ban romantic and sexual relationships between city managers and their subordinates. The proposed law was crafted by left-even-for-SF supervisor Chris Daly and aimed squarely at hunky god-mayor Gavin Newsom. Early this year, the Gav admitted to an affair with his then-aide Ruby Rippey-Tourk, pictured here across the lap of lucky Engadget founder Peter Rojas in a high school play. Come on, Chris, don't be so sex-negative. Where do you think little promotions come from?

Which SF politico needs to study American history?

Megan McCarthy · 11/13/07 04:33PM

Council member: I heard you need my John Doe on something.
Clerk: I need your signature on some documents.
Council member: Yeah, my John Doe.
Clerk, laughing: You mean your John Hancock — John Doe is an anonymous dead body. [Council member looks puzzled.] John Hancock has the biggest signature on the Declaration of Independence — that's where the term comes from.
Council member: Oh.

Al Gore to skip out on Larry and Lucy's wedding

Megan McCarthy · 11/13/07 01:39PM

Today's San Francisco Chronicle has more details on the upcoming wedding of Google founder Larry Page and his girlfriend Lucy Southworth. The Chronicle confirms that it will be happening the weekend of December 8, but they can't seem to find the location. As we told you earlier this month, it's taking place on Necker Island, the Caribbean hideaway owned by Virgin billionaire Richard Branson. Branson, naturally, is expected to attend the event, along with San Francisco god-mayor Gavin Newsom and "many current and former Google employees" (Perhaps ex-girlfriend Marissa Mayer?). One person, though, is skipping the bash.

Paul Boutin · 11/02/07 01:45PM

San Franciscans who vote in Tuesday's election "won't get computerized results on Tuesday, but will have to wait days, possibly weeks, instead for the final outcome," the Examiner reports. Strict rules on the handling of electronic voting machines will prevent instant tabulation. We'll give away the ending: Four more years of Mayor McDreamy! [San Francisco Examiner]

Bloggers bid for SF mayor gig

Paul Boutin · 10/12/07 07:21PM

Of the twelve San Franciscans running against unbeatable incumbent god-mayor Gavin Newsom in next month's election, two are formally listed as "blogger" in the San Francisco Examiner's rundown of the doomed dozen. One of the two has made the Guinness Book of World Records — for jail time.

Can a geek beat Gavin Newsom for SF mayor?

Paul Boutin · 10/11/07 01:15PM

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, San Francisco's next celebrigeek resident, has a remote chance of beating dreamy god-mayor Gavin Newsom in November's election, the San Francisco Examiner speculates, on the strength of his presumably crowdsourced stump speeches. But the paper pegs his odds at a remote 2000:1, putting him behind Eric Schmidt (850:1), Steve Jobs, Larry Page or George Lucas (600:1 each), Craig Newmark (400:1), Terry Semel (350:1), Sergey Brin (250:1) and Larry Ellison (200:1). For context, local novelist Dave Eggers gets a better 150:1 handicap.

EarthLink drops the San Francisco Wi-Fi project

Mary Jane Irwin · 08/30/07 12:58PM

Following yesterday's daily dose of EarthLink doom — the Internet service providerlaid off 900 employees, including municipal Wi-Fi networks president Don Berryman — the copmany has decided San Franciscans aren't worthy of free Internet after all. CEO Rolla Huff called up god-mayor Gavin Newsom to say, as a Newsom spokesman put it, "they were not going to be able to fulfill their end of the bargain." The mayor's office says it's still committed to blanketing San Francisco with Wi-Fi, and is counting on Google to remain an "anchor" while the city shops for more vendors. Newsom is also placing a measure on November's ballot asking to use public and private funds to get the network of the ground. Good luck with getting free Wi-Fi, you dirty hippies. As we've said, you don't deserve it.

Mayor's stalker arrested

Chris Mohney · 03/01/07 02:00PM

Han Sup Shin, the purple latex glove enthusiast who's been stalking San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom, was arrested in Union City after he allegedly broke into a house in San Ramon in pursuit of a former lover, then tried to run over the absent lover's roommate with his car. Cops found Shin hiding in a closet at his parents' Union City home; he must have acted out still more, as he's also charged with battery on a peace officer. The Chronicle further notes that Shin had been admitted to a psychiatric facility in 1998, but soon escaped. And so ends our mockery of an obviously highly disturbed individual. Even our cold, shriveled hearts feel bad for the guy at this point.

Gavin Newsom's purple pal

Chris Mohney · 02/28/07 10:20AM

Han Shin, the man accused of stalking San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom while wearing purple latex gloves, says he "wears purple latex gloves because he believes purple is a sign of divinity and royalty." Observe Shin's regal air in the Chronicle photos above. In addition, Shin threatened his parents last year, and then shone a laser pointer into a prosecutor's eyes at his court appearance. His parents say he's bipolar and gets a little crazy when off his meds. Shocking, that.