
The Times Square Flash Mob, On Twitter

Jeff Neumann · 04/07/10 05:13AM

Oh, the kids these days. They're constantly sexting each other and they just won't get off the Facebook. And now they start violent flash mobs with bb guns and brag about it on the Twitter. Meet Bad Boy Butta.

Top Five Most Cringeworthy Facial Hair Moments In Cinematic History

Molly Friedman · 05/13/08 06:15PM

We didn’t think it was possible, but the insanely dateable John Krasinski is not looking so hot these days. Due to an upcoming role in the Sam Mendes-directed Farlanders, John is sporting a nasty beard that resembles something one of the Geico cavemen would wear. And while we’d never judge an actor for tossing out their razors for months for the sake of their craft, this terrible beard inspired us to take a look back at the most cringeworthy facial hair in cinematic history. From one actor’s frizzy salt-and-pepper rat's nest to one mustache’s journey inside another man’s taint, our top five lie after the jump:

Gangs of New York

Gawker · 12/15/02 10:32AM

Having seen Harvey Weinstein's temper lavishly documented in The New Yorker this week, Gawker doesn't particularly want to elicit the big man's rage. But it has to be said: Gangs of New York is, by all indications, a dud, and the usual round of pre-release press hype seems more contrived than usual. Item one: the guerrilla reviewers at Ain't It Cool News say it's not terrible, just not very good. Early critic reviews are similarly lukewarm. And insider internet trading on HSX forecasts a four-week US box office of only $50m, not enough to cover Miramax's costs. No wonder the Miramax press machine, while going through the motions on Gangs of New York, is also discreetly transferring its affections to Chicago.
· Gangs of New York press coverage [Google News]
· Early critic reviews [Rotten Tomatoes]
· Spoiler reviews [Ain't It Cool News]
· MovieStocks: GANGS [Hollywood Stock Exchange]