
Deborah Kolben And Gal Beckerman Are Getting Married

Maggie · 11/29/07 09:55AM

Former Village Voice managing editor Deborah Kolben and Columbia Journalism Review's Gal Beckerman are getting hitched! "A sunset walk on a beach in Mexico, a couple of beers, a sobbing Debbie," is how Beckerman described his proposal. Gag. "I never thought of myself as that girl," Kolben said, "But the second I had a ring on my finger, it was 'Take a picture! Take a picture!'" Heh. What has Kolben been up to since being axed by the Voice in September, after six months on the job? Well, a piece she wrote for the New York Times last weekend on a Flatbush Dunkin' Donuts run by a Jewish woman and a Muslim man ran under the headline "Worshipping Different Gods (But United On The Pork Issue.)" We love it when the Times makes awkward and erroneous jokes about religion! A correction was swiftly issued: "A headline last Sunday about a Muslim man and an Orthodox Jewish woman who are partners in two Dunkin' Donuts stores described their religions incorrectly. The two faiths worship the same God—not different ones." [Photo by David Reeves.]