
90's Sitcom Plot Device Problem Solved!

Morgan Barry · 07/28/10 01:45PM

Today during CBS Early Show's Home segment Amy Matthews showed off a quick and cheap solution to your clogged drain. Watch and fawn along with Harry Smith at plumbing's newest ingenious invention. DJ Tanner could have used this.

How to Turn Your iPad Into a Second Monitor for Your PC

Matt Cherette · 07/15/10 12:19PM

If you happen to be someone who owns both a Windows PC and an iPad, and also happen to want a second monitor, you're in luck: this Maxivista app makes it easy to expand your display. Inside, a demonstration video.

Whoopi Goldberg Hated Her iPhone 4 So Much That She Destroyed It

Matt Cherette · 07/15/10 12:01PM

Today, Whoopi Goldberg revealed that her frustration with the new iPhone caused her to "murder" it. After experiencing reception problems during a phone interview, Goldberg said that she opened her car door and smashed the device to pieces. Video inside.

Retro Cell Phone Ad Is Nostalgia at Its Finest

Matt Cherette · 07/08/10 12:06PM

Remember those giant—and, at the time, revolutionary—cell phones from the early '90s that weighed about 20 lbs. and made you embarrassed to be seen anywhere with your father? If so, this commercial will make you feel all ~nostalgic~.

How to Use an iPad and Velcro to Do Almost Anything

Matt Cherette · 05/26/10 02:21PM

Who knew that a bit of Velcro attached to an iPad could result in a match made in tech Heaven? Here, the two products are used to make a car/motorcycle GPS device, a picture frame, a wall-mounted TV and more.

The Most Stunningly Pointless Invention

Michael Jordan · 04/13/10 02:11PM

Unless this invention is going to be used in an android that will serve me buttered waffles every morning, I have no idea what the point of this is. Any guesses?

An Umbrella that Changes Color with Water

Robyn Caplan · 04/08/10 10:57AM

Good Morning America featured the best idea in rain-gear since the invention of the yellow-ducky poncho. An umbrella that changes color when it gets wet! It is so simple, yet so satisfying: why has this not been thought of before?

Warning: Your New iPad is Not Blender Compatible

nightintern · 04/05/10 12:40PM

The sadistic crew at Blendtec has struck again by proving that a brand new iPad is no match for its blender. If you're sick of hearing/talking/reading about Apple's new tablet, this clip will make you smile.

Adorable Lady Performs Poker Face with Four iPhones

Arianna Reiche · 03/30/10 02:37PM

Using four iPhone apps, a girl performed a pretty impeccable 'Poker Face'. As technically impressive as this is for the first minute or so, prepare yourself to be bombarded with the cutest one minute and fifty-eight seconds of your life.

Homemade Hovercraft Zooms Over New Zealand

Mike Byhoff · 03/15/10 02:36PM

Constructed by New Zealander Rudy Heeman, this incredible homemadehovercraft swoops over a lake at incredibly high speeds. When it hits 70 kph, it stops hovering and starts flying. It's pretty impressive that he put this together in his garage.

Your New iPhone App: The Trans-Border Immigrant Tool

Devon Irete · 03/12/10 12:42PM

This morning, Fox News featured a new iPhone app designed to assist illegals with their quest to enter the US by locating safe water sources, monitoring border patrol and inspiring through poetry—all funded by your tax dollars. Cue the outrage!

Jay Z and Alicia Keys Spoof Exposes a Trend: The New Dork

Zach Mack · 03/08/10 04:44PM

If you're on this site, there's a good chance that you read Gizmodo and Valleywag regularly. And you probably Tweet. And you have an Linked In account. Well, according to this spoof video, that makes you a New Dork.

Get Out of Awkward Situations With "The Forehead Texter"

Whitney Jefferson · 02/05/10 11:20AM

Are you ever at a party talking to someone and they get frustrated that you're "too busy texting" to pay attention? In his season premiere, Demetri Martin created a new gadget which fills a need we didn't know we had.

Wooden Wind-Powered Scandinavian Beach-Monster

Arianna Reiche · 02/03/10 03:44PM

Dutch artist Theo Jansen's wooden sculpture, powered only by wind, is visually one of the coolest things to come out of Scandinavian design in years, and is so flimsily related to the mega-brand it's advertising it is laughable.

The Self-lighting Cigarette

Etan Betkowitz · 01/21/10 03:58PM

Love cigarettes, but hate the hassle of lighting them? Go back to South Korea, 1972. Unfortunately, it never caught on and Kyu-bong's invention, as well as $20,000 worth of research, went up in smoke.