
Obama's 50th Birthday Is the Easiest Fundraising Opportunity Ever

Jim Newell · 07/14/11 02:48PM

President Obama will become a Man, finally, when he turns 50 on August 4 — the same day our first post-debt ceiling deadline interest payment is due! Yikes, let's forget about that. Because Obama will have some other priorities on this day of days: raking in as much money as possible for his campaign. You can't turn him down on his birthday, either; it would be against the Geneva Conventions, maybe.

Koch Brothers to Democrats: Stop Asking us For Money

Jim Newell · 07/08/11 01:42PM

Koch Industries, the wealthy industrial corporation run by right-wing activist billionaires David and Charles Koch, recently got a standard-issue voicemail solicitation from Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee chair Sen. Patty Murray, asking for money. A simple "no, sorry" wouldn't suffice. The company's PR chief had to publish an arch letter condemning Murray for hypocrisy, along with a recording of her voicemail.

Joe Biden May Still Want to Be President

Jim Newell · 05/23/11 04:13PM

Vice President Joe Biden was sent on Obama fundraising duty last week, but he reportedly told donors to not count him out for a 2016 presidential run. He'd be 74. Would you support Barack Obama's elderly comedic foil?

Obama Campaign Selling Official Birth Certificate Shirts

Jim Newell · 05/18/11 12:18PM

We Americans are trying to face the important issues to this country, but the Obama campaign only seems interested in perpetuating Silly Season. These carnival barkers are now selling limited edition "Made in the USA" tee shirts featuring images of the president's birth certificate on the back.

Michele Bachmann Has Priced Her Presidential Run

Jim Newell · 05/13/11 05:14PM

So, Michele Bachmann... she is probably just pretending to consider a run for president in order to raise PAC money? But maybe she's serious? We haven't conclusively determined where Bachmann's potential candidacy lands on the fake/real spectrum. But the murmurs are certainly helping her raise cash. And now she's introduced a tiered donation system in her latest email solicitation: $25 bucks for another House run, $50 "or $100" for a presidential run. Checkbooks out, chop chop!

Barack Obama Launches His (Terribly Expensive) Reelection Bid

Jim Newell · 04/04/11 11:41AM

President Obama has officially filed the paperwork for his 2012 reelection bid, as you may have been notified by email, text, tweet, second email, carrier pigeon, secret government brainwave transmission, and so on. The announcements comes with this video of campaign supporters urging you to begin constant grassroots organizing efforts, immediately. The campaign website asks "Are you in?" and urges you to "Get In with Facebook."

Are Republicans Finally Dumping Michael Steele?

Jim Newell · 11/10/10 12:10PM

Since being elected as Republican National Committee chairman almost two years ago, Michael Steele has survived constant calls for his resignation, only to preside over historic GOP congressional wins. His reward? Probably losing his job.