
Goldman Sachs Banker Flees

cityfile · 11/04/08 10:56AM

Remember David Pajcin, the Goldman Sachs analyst who conspired with a bunch of other bankers (as well as workers at a BusinessWeek printing plant) to carry out an insider trading scheme that earned him $6.7 million? He appears to have fled the country! [Bloomberg]

Gay Gossip Blogger Was 9/11 Scam Fugitive

Ryan Tate · 07/30/08 05:10AM

If you're a fugitive from justice, probably one of the last things you want to do is start a video blog like Patric Ian Henn's "Boy About Town." Although he allegedly skipped out on a 12-year probation sentence, Henn peppered his Los Angeles-focused blog with videos of himself interviewing various minor celebrities at local events. After just 52 posts, including many with pictures of himself, Henn is now apparently headed back to prison, adding to the two years he already served for conning $68,000 from the Red Cross by posing as the lover of someone killed in the 9/11 attacks. Between that scam and the blog, it's clear Henn craves attention, even if it means exploiting the suffering of others. Unlike, say, the rest of us bloggers! After the jump, Henn's cringey interview with (very patient!) comedian Margaret Cho.

TV Guide Would Like Some Good News

Hamilton Nolan · 05/19/08 11:47AM

One more thing that the good people who run TV Guide have to worry about: Henry Yuen, the company's former CEO, is now officially a fugitive. He was charged with obstruction of justice last week for destroying documents that the SEC requested (in relation to an earlier conviction for securities fraud, natch), but he failed to turn himself in. New owner Macrovision is already preoccupied with trying to sell the print magazine to rescue the entire enterprise from death, so they certainly could do without the headache of answering new questions about Yuen, who was fired in 2002. Luckily for them, this story is far too esoteric for TV outlets to cover. [Mediapost via Jossip]

Escaped Babynapper Crowns List Of Top Ten Reasons Montana Might Want To Revamp Their Prison Security

seth · 06/11/07 01:20PM

The ex-con who had once plotted to kidnap David Letterman's infant son while working as a painter on the talk show host's Montana ranch has succeeded in executing yet another jaw-dropping maneuver straight out of the Depression-Era Crime Movie Playbook: He escaped with another inmate from the Montana State Prison where he was being held, and, four days later, the two are still on the run: