
Fuck It

Hudson Hongo · 08/21/16 10:55PM

Goodnight, friends.

"Fuck Forever" Shirt Throws Yale Club Into Mannered Turmoil 

Hamilton Nolan · 06/17/15 08:43AM

You oafish hillbillies who spend your time reading Gawker.com may not realize this, but respectable people who went to respectable schools like Yale have their very own high class private clubs in Manhattan. Do not sully them with your tasteless “novelty” t-shirts!

New York State Politicians Are Still For Sale

Hamilton Nolan · 12/08/14 11:30AM

Grim-face political celebukid and New York governor Andrew Cuomo has long vowed that he wants to reform the corrupt political cesspool that is Albany. How's that going?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/20/12 12:33PM

The four heirs to Sam Walton's Wal-Mart fortune are collectively worth $106 billion. Well, they earned it.

Rich Bastard Disproves Karma With $200 Million Year

Hamilton Nolan · 03/16/12 09:47AM

Private equity kingpin and walking manifestation of bad PR for the top 1% Stephen Schwarzman had a great, great year this year. This rich, selfish bastard—who compared a plan to raise taxes on private equity firms to Hitler invading Poland, and who stated that his number one New Year's wish, in the midst of the worst recession in a century, was to create a "tax-free zone" for wealthy foreign nationals in New York—had an outstanding 2011, compensation-wise.