
Preemptive Complaints of Media Bias Watch

Pareene · 12/09/08 12:53PM

Over at The Corner, Victor Davis Hanson is positive that now that Patrick Fitzgerald has arrested Democratic governor Rod Blagojevich and is looking at Tony Rezko, "Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald is just about on the verge on losing his near mythic status among the Washington-New York media." The fact that this hasn't happened yet, and that there is no evidence that this will happen, and the fact that a large number of the "Washington-New York media" (as opposed to liberal bloggers) were outraged at Fitz for trying to get journalists to reveal their sources in the Plamegate case? None of that changes the fact that the elite liberal media will refuse to report on ths thing they're already going nuts over. (Attached: another classic example of the preemptive bias complaint, from your day editor's inbox. It arrived shortly after the second of today's predicted 500 Blago posts ran. Keep 'em coming, America!) [The Corner]

Worst Person In the World To Be On Worst Show In the World

Pareene · 02/15/08 05:11PM

Nightmare online dater John Fitzgerald Page will appear on an upcoming episode of nightmare tv therapist Dr. Phil's show, in a segment dedicated to "men with out-of-control egos." Yeesh. Click to enlarge the woefully misaddressed email.


Pareene · 11/28/07 12:03PM

From the mailbag: "There's a protest outside of the Goldman Sachs building on Broad Street....They are chanting and waving signs around... They apparently have a theme song too, they are all singing it. The Goldman security guards came out to shoo them off and are now standing around nervously." The revolution is at hand, America! Sacco and Vanzetti must not die! WALL STREET PROTEST MADNESS UPDATE: The protesters are apparently from the Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition and the New York City Anti-Predatory Lending Task Force and they're walking up and down Wall Street protesting everyone else now. They are singing a song, to the tune of Jingle Bells. The words to the song are unclear. Our source reports: "There's only about 20 of them. They have tiny signs!" Tiny signs of justice!