
Reality TV Work: Thankless and Dangerous

Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/14 03:05PM

Yesterday, we brought you true stories of people who work behind the scenes in reality (or "nonfiction") television. Since then, we've been flooded with more emails from industry insiders, detailing poor working conditions. We bring you some of them below.

Paste Magazine Freelancers Are Getting Screwed

Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/10 12:49PM

In your class warrior Thursday media column: the media is congenitally unable to stop covering stupid stories, Mississippi's Fresh Air censor resigns, more theories of David Westin's departure, and Paste magazine freelancers are left high and dry.

Evan Thomas Leaving Increasingly Empty Newsweek

Hamilton Nolan · 08/10/10 12:30PM

In your trendy Tuesday media column: another big name leaves Newsweek, ProPublica's employees are shockingly well-compensated, magazine trends examined, more freelance payment fuckery, and OK! is not OK!

Freelance Payment Problems at Blackbook

Hamilton Nolan · 08/06/10 12:09PM

In your contentious Friday media column: freelancers say BlackBook's not paying them, a family sues Metro for misleading photo usage, WaPoCo makes money (no thanks to the newspaper), and a bidder for Newsweek says he was ignored.

Sarah Ellison Banned from WSJ Press Conference

Hamilton Nolan · 04/28/10 12:41PM

In your indignant Wednesday media column: yet another example of the WSJ's determined surliness, big media buys cheap ass stories, the battle for control of the doomed Philly papers, and Alex Pareene is somewhere else now.