
Adam Weinstein · 03/28/14 01:20PM

"I have nightmares about me seeing my naked body on the Internet," Maricopa's vice mayor said, by way of explaining why he'd posted "We need more Fred Phelps in this world... May you rest in peace sir" on his Facebook wall.

If Joe Paterno Is Your Enemy, Fred Phelps Still Can't Be Your Friend

Brian Moylan · 01/25/12 10:00AM

When the news broke yesterday that Fred Phelps and his infamous "God Hates Fags" Westboro Baptist Church would be protesting the funeral of Penn State football coach Joe Paterno for his role in the Jerry Sandusky sexual abuse cases, some of Paterno's harshest critics approved. They think the disruptive presence of Fred Phelps' evil minions, shouting nonsensical passages from Leviticus as some sort of posthumous justice for Paterno's complicity with Sandusky sexually molesting young boys. But there's a difference between the evil that's perceived and real, diabolical evil, and he's not the one being put in the ground.

KKK Counter-Protests 'God Hates Fags' Church

Max Read · 05/30/11 10:49PM

Members of the delightfully quirky Westboro Baptist Church showed up at Arlington Cemetery on Memorial Day just to remind everyone, through the use of excessive signage, that God loves dead soldiers. But luckily for people who were hoped to visit the cemetery without encountering hateful bigotry, brave members of the Ku Klux Klan showed up to counter-protest.

Is the Westboro Baptist Church Protected by the First Amendment?

TPM · 10/07/10 06:15PM

There's almost universal agreement that the tactics and message used by parishioners of the small, fringe Westboro Baptist Church are despicable. Does that make their provocative protests near the funerals of dead U.S. soldiers — under the theory that God is punishing the country because it tolerates gay and lesbian Americans — unconstitutional?