
Freakonomics Is Going Indie

Hamilton Nolan · 01/14/11 02:08PM

In your finally Friday media column: Freakonomics is taking its bazillion readers away from the NYT, layoffs loom at the NY Daily News, Hollywood media wars aren't catty enough for Vanity Fair, and PBS must have news on the weekend.

Why Walmart won't ruin the iPhone

Owen Thomas · 12/08/08 04:00PM

Remember how Oprah once threatened to ruin the life of novelist Jonathan Franzen by selecting his book for her club and thereby making him lots and lots of money? Walmart might do the same to Apple's iPhone!

Best Paragraph? More Like Third Quartile!

Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/08 04:21PM

Freaknomics author Stephen Dubner says this is "The Best Paragraph You'll Read All Week." Really, Stephen Dubner? Perhaps you could use some more varied reading materials. Am I missing the genius in this standard-issue "I used to be a geek" narrative? Click to enlarge the graf (an intro to a column in the FT), which the superstar economist says is amazing and I, who took six years to finish my bachelor's degree, say is rather pedestrian. [Freakonomics]

Would New York's Economy Collapse If Nannies Were Paid On The Books?

Emily Gould · 10/24/07 10:45AM

I-banker blogger Mijka Samora has done the math, and realized that hiring an illegal immigrant nanny, paying her lower wages, and paying her off the books "puts a cool $16,000 in after-tax dollars in your pocket every year." This "nanny arbitrage" is epidemic because, Mijka says, of "the widespread, if misguided, notion that 'everyone else does it', and in the conflicted satisfaction of helping an illegal make a living." But even though Mijka is obviously correct that monies saved by using cheap illegal labor are funneled back into the economy, his other arguments for why the city's fiscal infrastructure might come crumbling down if labor laws were actually enforced are less buyable.

Owen Thomas · 08/08/07 12:48AM

First Fake Steve Jobs went to; now Freakonomics, the economics blog, has relocated to the New York Times website. The assimilation of blogs into mainstream media continues apace. [Freakonomics]