
The women of Google, minus the catfight

Owen Thomas · 02/08/08 03:20PM

The latest issue of Marie Claire profiles Google's top female executives. You've got to pick up a copy, if just for the fashion credits. From left to right: Shona Brown, Sukhinder Singh Cassidy, Megan Smith, Francoise Brougher, Susan Wojcicki, and Marissa Mayer. With the exception of Mayer's getup, never has a greater work of fiction appeared in this old gal rag. I've known Megan Smith for years, and cannot recall ever seeing her wearing something that was not (a) made of denim and (b) priced at less than $100. But more interesting than what they're wearing is who's not in the picture: Top executive Sheryl Sandberg, Google's plugged-in D.C. connection. We'd heard Sandberg can't stand Shona Brown, but would she really have refused to get a photo taken with her? (Photo by Neal Kirk)