
Stick Around for Gawker's First GOP Presidential Debate Coverage

Jim Newell · 05/05/11 04:19PM

The first Republican presidential debate — live from South Carolina and broadcast on Fox News — starts tonight at 9:00 ET, and we'll be covering the ordeal live. Show up shortly before the start, and bring plenty of grain alcohol!

The Associated Press' Photo Double Game

John Cook · 05/05/11 10:27AM

The Associated Press has huffily declined to cover tonight's Fox News Channel GOP "debate" in South Carolina on the grounds that Fox won't let it take photographs during the debate—only before and after. But it does cover presidential addresses under precisely the same conditions.

Fox News Chief Roger Ailes Can't Stop Calling the Cops

John Cook · 04/29/11 01:24PM

Fox News chief Roger Ailes and his wife Elizabeth must get spooked a lot in their weekend home in rural Putnam Valley, N.Y., because they call 911 a lot. During one 30-day period last summer, police cars were dispatched to their address six times.

Who's Showing Up at Next Week's Republican Debate?

Jim Newell · 04/28/11 01:44PM

The first debate of the 2012 Republican presidential primary season is on May 5. That's but one se'en-day away! Fox News is sponsoring, live from South Carolina. The setting has all the trappings of a lively Republican political discussion about our nation's future. But as of now, only a handful of potential candidates plan on showing. What's up with all the other losers?

Charles Krauthammer: Trump's 'Absolutely' Running

Jim Newell · 04/22/11 01:35PM

Famous conservative Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer, like many elite Republicans, has been dumping all over Donald Trump in the last few weeks. He's called him a "provocateur and clown" who's "unserious." It was a vicious low blow to whip out the bilious "p" word against America's most respected and moral businessman. So Krauthammer was understandably terrified yesterday when his secretary told him that Trump was on the line. As he recounted on Fox News last night:

Dancing Romanian Politician Leaves Fox News Anchor Speechless

Brian Moylan · 04/18/11 05:16PM

Today Fox News shared this story of a Romanian politician who caused a stir when he showed off his dance moves on TV. They're so bad that Shep Smith couldn't even think of a witty retort. Come on, Shep, cut the guy some slack. We know you've probably showed off some similar moves on "Musical Monday" at a gay bar somewhere.

Donald Trump Pimps New Obama Conspiracy

Max Read · 04/16/11 02:56PM

Ocherous churl Donald Trump slouched beast-like to Fox News on Friday night, where he engaged in something called "The Trump Interview" with right-wing backboard Sean Hannity. It was, yes, essentially unwatchable, but Trump revealed, in the course of the evening, that he has become a subscriber to the third most prevalent anti-Obama conspiracy, namely, that Obama's book Dreams From My Father was written by former Weatherman and current "super-genius" Bill Ayers. Ernest Hemingway was brought up, as was Trump's own opus, The Art of the Deal:

Bizarre Fox News Story Connects Student Suicide to Obama Speech

Jim Newell · 04/14/11 01:45PM

Fox News' "America's Election HQ" website published one of those "wacky coincidence" stories yesterday that will make you want to take a cold shower or seven after reading: A student at George Washington University committed suicide yesterday, just as President Obama was giving his major deficit-reduction speech at another campus building. Not that there was anything linking the events, but apparently it was enough of a nutty coincidence for Fox News to make note of it as important political news. Ick.

Jon Stewart Examines Geraldo Rivera's Role in Libya

Matt Cherette · 04/06/11 10:57PM

You can tell that a war zone has really gotten out of control when Geraldo Rivera shows up—and that's exactly what just happened in Libya. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart examined—and heartily mocked—Rivera's role in the conflict.