
'Surprising' New Facts About Roger Ailes Were Published Two Years Ago

Hamilton Nolan · 06/05/13 04:33PM

Bloomberg View columnist and longtime Newsweek man Jonathan Alter has a new book coming out that includes details about jowly shithead Roger Ailes, the head of Fox News. Politico's media reporter Dylan Byers writes that excerpts from the book show that Alter "reveals a number of surprising facts about the Fox News chief that, taken together, make him out to appear extraordinarily paranoid." Yes, Roger Ailes is paranoid. But Alter didn't "reveal" anything new at all.

Cord Jefferson · 05/21/13 05:27PM

The AP is not alone. The New Yorker reports that the Justice Department has seized phone records for at least five numbers associated with Fox News and two within the White House.

Ken Layne · 05/13/13 06:03PM

"Of the 41 percent of Republicans who consider Benghazi to be the worst political scandal in American history, 39 percent are unaware that Benghazi is located in Libya. 10 percent said it's in Egypt, 9 percent in Iran, 6 percent in Cuba, 5 percent in Syria, 4 percent in Iraq, and 1 percent in North Korea and Liberia."

New Book Says Roger Ailes Cut Geraldo's Mic for Benghazi Dissension

Cord Jefferson · 05/06/13 12:57PM

One day before the presidential election last year, Geraldo Rivera and pro baseball player turned conservative commentator Eric Bolling got into a shouting match on morning comedy kaffeeklatsch, Fox & Friends. The subject of the argument was the then-recent Benghazi attack. Rivera took issue with Bolling's claim that the government and the military did "nothing" in response to the siege of the U.S. consulate, firing back that Bolling was "a politician trying to make a political point," and the two went on from there.

Fox News Ninja Expertly Foils On-Air Lip Assault

Neetzan Zimmerman · 04/23/13 08:08AM

While reporting from Boston on new bombing investigation details, Fox News reporter Mike Tobin — or, rather, his cheeks — were abruptly ambushed by two pursed-lipped live-shot invaders.

Oh God Dana Perino What Are You Doing

Max Read · 04/12/13 02:01PM

Here's former White House Press Secretary Dana Perino rapping on Fox News. "Rap is such a complicated art form," she tells her co-hosts. (Protip for would-be rap parodists: rap doesn't sound very much like Sugarhill Gang anymore.)

Here Is a Fox News Reporter Who Doesn't Belong In Jail

John Cook · 04/08/13 11:51AM

Jana Winter, a dogged and capable reporter who writes for Fox News' web site, is being threatened with jail time by an overzealous Colorado judge who wants her to reveal her sources. Not as many people care about this as much as they ought to, which is one of the consequences of working for a nakedly partisan shitshow masquerading as news outlet.

The New Roger Ailes Biography Manages to Go 35 Pages Before Credulously Repeating a Documentable Lie

John Cook · 03/21/13 11:10AM

Fat dick Roger Ailes is the subject of a deeply, deeply terrible new biography by magazine writer Zev Chafets. You can gauge its value by the fact that Chafets saw fit to acknowledge his "debt" to Fox News chief flack Brian Lewis, who, when he's not busy feeding Chafets bullshit about Roger Ailes, has been orchestrating a smear campaign against people who are writing less adoring biographies of Fox's Dear Leader. It took me about 30 minutes of reading before I came across the book's first documentable lie from Ailes: His claim that he was never paid to be Richard Nixon's message guru and tie-picker.

Bill O'Reilly's Divorce Is So Ugly, God Got Involved

John Cook · 03/18/13 12:37PM

Bill O'Reilly wants his ex-wife to go to Hell. Literally. As we previously reported, the Fox News falafelist became separated from his former wife Maureen McPhilmy at some point in 2011, and later went on an apparently corrupt crusade to destroy the career of the Nassau County Police detective she was dating. We have now confirmed that O'Reilly and McPhilmy have been formally divorced, that she has since married the detective, and that O'Reilly is in the midst of a scorched-earth custody battle—dubbed, appropriately enough, Anonymous v. Anonymous—over the ex-couple's two children. It involves a surreptitious attempt by O'Reilly to undermine his custody arrangement by hiring, as a member of his household staff, the woman he and his ex had agreed on as a neutral arbiter of their disputes. It also involves O'Reilly's attempts to annul his marriage and have McPhilmy potentially booted from the Catholic Church.

Roger Ailes Is Exactly the Kind of Jerk You'd Expect the Head of Fox News to Be

Cord Jefferson · 03/06/13 04:06PM

Roger Ailes is the pallid, smirking, ultra-rich white guy who sits atop the unrepentant lie factory that is Fox News. A new book about Ailes, Roger Ailes: Off Camera, is due out this month, and Vanity Fair has an excerpt. Off Camera was written by Zev Chafets—the man behind a cheerleading 2010 Rush Limbaugh biography—and has been viewed as a would-be preemptive strike against another Ailes biography coming out this year, from New York contributing editor Gabe Sherman, The Loudest Voice in the Room: Fox News and the Making of America.

Fox News Host Tells NRA Chief 'That's Ridiculous and You Know It, Sir.'

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 02/03/13 10:58AM

Appearing on Fox News this morning, NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre reiterated his organization's claim in a recent ad that all American children deserve the same amount of protection that the President Obama's daughters receive. Fox News host Chris Wallace responded, "That's ridiculous and you know it, sir." Throughout the interview Wallace continues to be critical of LaPierre, refuting his claims that inner-city gangs are the problem, and pointing out the insanity of putting armed guards in every public place.

Robert Kessler · 01/25/13 05:20PM

Sarah Palin has quit her second job in four years, leaving Fox News. Maverick move. Anyway, more time for shopping.