Fox News Refers to the Westboro Baptist Church as a 'Left-Wing Cult'
Neetzan Zimmerman · 12/26/12 02:15PMFox Nation Says Romney 'Smoked' Obama In Coin Toss
MTanzer · 10/16/12 06:19PM
Fox Nation, the delicate wordsmiths behind delicious turns of phrase like "Hip Hop BBQ," have a new creation under their belts (said belts are probably holding up Glenn Beck jeans): The conservative millennial Mark Twains have now proclaimed that Mitt Romney "smoked" Barack Obama in the coin toss for tonight's debate.
Heathen President Refuses to Condemn Piece of Art From 1987
Louis Peitzman · 09/22/12 12:24PMFox News Viewers Think Sikh Temple Shooting Story is 'Inspiring'
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/06/12 11:30AMLouis Peitzman · 08/04/12 10:33AM
Fox Nation Labels the Chick-fil-A Boycotters 'Heterophobic Bigots'
Louis Peitzman · 08/02/12 07:32PMDid You Know That Obama Hosted a 'Hip Hop BBQ' Yesterday?
Jim Newell · 08/05/11 12:42PMFox Viewers Challenging Media Matters' Nonprofit Status With Forms
Lauri Apple · 07/03/11 03:39PM
Some citizens of Fox Nation have been brushing up on nonprofit tax law and filling out paperwork ever since a fellow Fox national invited the public to file IRS complaints against Media Matters for America, the nonprofit that criticizes their favorite news channel for lying about everything all the time.