
Walt Mossberg in a suit? Gotta be Photoshop

Paul Boutin · 07/09/08 04:40PM

It's not just me. The sight of Walt Mossberg, the Big Guy of gadget journalism, in a tie and jacket for an ad promoting his appearance on the Fox Business cable network was such a surprise that even Walt's longtime colleague Kara Swisher blogged about it. Fox has been caught Photoshopping opposition journalists. Did they likewise suit up Mossberg in postproduction? Hope so. A suit is a suit, but a 'shop is a story. Memo to Fox: Computer experts are like Trace Adkins. "Work boots, one blue suit / Size too small, won't wear it at all / Unless somebody kicks or gets hitched / It don’t fit, and it makes me itch." Keep it real, Walt!

Fox Biz Helps Newswoman Realize Dream Of Shaking Booty

Hamilton Nolan · 07/03/08 12:54PM

Rebecca Gomez knew way back in the heady '90s that she wanted to get into the important field of business journalism. So she worked hard, paid her dues, and now her dream has come true! She co-hosts Happy Hour on the Fox Business Network, a show described as "easy to understand for those of us who are not financial gurus." Ha, yes, well Gomez helps bring complicated finance stories down to earth for even us simpletons. Like she does in this clip, by strutting her stuff in a dress made for "girls with well developed booties." Living the dream! [Hispanic Magazine via Talking Biz News]

Obama Plays Password on Fox Business

Pareene · 06/27/08 09:39AM

U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama appeared on the Fox Business Channel yesterday, apparently trying to reach the four depressed masturbators who make up the Fox Business audience. The blonde the modeling agency sent in to interview Obama decided to "have a little fun" with Barry by playing a word-association game. Yes, a word-association game! Hooray for journalism! Hooray for democracy! It's kind of the worst possible way for Obama to be interviewed because, yes, he's into 'the nuance thing.' So watch for yourself and cringe along at home.

Twitter's real problem: explaining itself to clueless business reporters

Nicholas Carlson · 06/10/08 05:00PM

You know Twitter cofounder Biz Stone didn't do a very good job explaining what he's created to Fox Business reporter Liz Claman when, after Stone was finished Claman asked, "So, it just pops up on your cell phone — does it make a sound when it pops up?" That fine moment, about 2 minutes and 40 seconds in, and whole lot of describing Twitter messages as "poetry," in the full interview, embedded below.

Fox Business asks: Will Facebook buy LinkedIn?

Nicholas Carlson · 06/10/08 12:40PM

Want to see LinkedIn CEO Dan Nye flinch? Do what Fox Business correspondent Liz Claman did this morning and ask Nye if rival social network startup Facebook has expressed interest in acquiring the company. "It just seems like it would be a perfect for say, a Facebook, to join up, to link up with you guys," Claman advises Nye. Suddenly a happy little conversation on camera turned awkward. Did he flinch because Facebook had expressed interest? Or because, unlike Claman, he knew Facebook wasn't even sniffing around — an admission that would call into question LinkedIn's value right when Nye's gunning to take the company public? That moment, above, and the full interview — replete with Nye's nonanswers about acquisitions and IPOs — below.

Parody of News Network Invites on Parody of Blogger

Rebecca · 04/21/08 04:42PM

The Harvard educated and camera ready investment banker Muffie Benson-Perella would be a great guest on any business show. Her blog's slogan is "Dive Into the Muff!" And who wouldn't want to? This photogenic business woman is the founder of the Founder of Muff Cap, LLC., "an invitation only, private investment vehicle for prestigious and accredited investors only, employing an actively managed, long-short strategy." Plus, in prep school she concentrated in Contemporary French Poetry, and she was a part of the school's "exclusive" French Club. Fortunately, Muffie is just a caricature of vile she-bankers. Unfortunately, she's just the type the insipid Fox Business Happy Hour would love to have on as a guest. The network asked her to appear on an upcoming episode. After the jump, Fox's invitation to her mockery.

Fox Business Anchor Explains Persecution Of The Rich

Hamilton Nolan · 04/16/08 02:11PM

Here's a clip of Fox Business Network personality Cheryl Casone explaining, in her role as totally impartial economic expert, why Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's tax plans are so misguided: because the rich pay most of the taxes already! "Most middle and low income earners not only don't pay income taxes, they end up getting money back in their returns. So somebody needs to kinda work on their math a little bit. *Snort*." Right, except for middle class people like you and me who get money back that we overpaid on the thousands of dollars in taxes we already had taken out of our checks throughout the year, not to mention sales taxes. (Standard deduction on taxable income for single people this year: $8,750). Click to watch, then go register as a Republican.

Fox Business' Failed Ambush

Ryan Tate · 04/15/08 03:39AM

When Dave Logan agreed to appear on Fox Business to promote a book on corporate culture, he probably had some faint hope the six-month-old cable channel was less of a viper pit than its News Corp. sister network, Fox News. Any such delusions were quickly dissolved when host Stuart Varney tore into Logan for being an academic egghead and asked, "This is the United States of America, it is a highly competitive economy, you claw your way up on the backs of others - didn't you know that?" After Logan stood his ground and recounted the lessons of 11 years inside American corporations, Varney scampered a retreat and tried, unconvincingly, to end on a friendly note. Presumably, Varney will now be forced to spend the next few months in ambush interview boot camp with Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly. Clip after the jump.

Fox Biz Women Deserve Rich Guys, Too!

Hamilton Nolan · 04/01/08 01:17PM

Word on "The Street" is that CNBC Reporter Michelle Caruso-Cabrera may be dating Gary Parr, deputy chairman of Lazard and a guy who is involved in finance stories Caruso-Cabrera could be covering [Radar]. It's reminiscent of CNBC Money Honey Maria Bartiromo's purported canoodling with Citigroup exec Todd Thompson. This raises an important issue: why do all the rich business guys go for the CNBC women? Haven't they heard of a little place called FOX BUSINESS NETWORK, which put in a lot of effort to hire its own stable of attractive female on-air personalities to lure male viewers? Can they get some love over there? We've decided to help them out; after the jump, five of Fox's foxy professional women, and a real item of interest about each one. Act now, Wall Street jerks!

"Pants are no longer relevant."

Pareene · 02/04/08 11:49AM

Rupert Murdoch-owned Page Six would like us to believe that the unwatched Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox Business Channel is such a deadly threat to the anchors at CNBC that they've all switched to "form-fitting V-necks in bright colors." Like Star Trek characters! We don't watch enough CNBC to notice any uniform changes but this seems maybe unlikely? A CNBC rep denies everything! Still, who can argue with "pants are no longer relevant"? It's the 21st Century! Nothing's relevant! [NYP]

Fox Business Takes On The Taut Issues

Hamilton Nolan · 01/29/08 01:03PM

In this clip, Fox Business Network host Cody Willard explains how you, too, can build a personal brand. And who better to speak on the topic than a normal, healthy American girl who worked her way up to roles in critically acclaimed productions like The Sopranos, Sex And The City, and Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind? Oh, and did we mention she was also a Penthouse centerfold? Not that that was a factor. Nor were the abysmal ratings of the News Corp business channel. A lesson in brand building (and some breasts) after the jump [DealBreaker].

Jared Kushner, Fabiola Beracasa And Ivanka Trump

Joshua Stein · 10/25/07 11:15AM

Seen here, from the Fox Business launch party at the Met last night: 1. Jason Beckman, Fabiola Beracasa's banker boy. Currently missing in action. 2. Fabiola Beracasa, socialite freshly back from Beijing. ("I could feel the oppression!") 3. New York Observer majority owner and bridge and tunnel real estate mogul Jared Kushner, desperately trying to escape being photographed with his girlfriend who is: 4. Ivanka Trump, here coquettishly looking away as to not be photographed publicly with her boyfriend, Jared Kushner. (She has such good hair!) Why they were there: Fabiola's mom, Veronica Hearst, is good friends with Rupert Murdoch; Mr. Murdoch dined chez la famille Beracasa last week. Mr. Kushner is a newer Murdoch friend, though does enjoy spending time on the big Murdoch boat. Related: Kushner is a huge Counting Crows fan! Rain King is one of his favorite songs.