
(We Cover) Fox Business Covering Fashion Week

Pareene · 02/13/08 10:25AM

Wonkette videographer Liz Glover made her way up to New York to cover fashion week, and she ran into Fox News! Or the Fox Business Network, that unwatched cousin. They were at fashion week filming a story about how hemlines predict the economy. Apparently. The Liz bugged them about their political affiliation. (The resulting Fox Business Hemline story is after the jump.)

"Pants are no longer relevant."

Pareene · 02/04/08 11:49AM

Rupert Murdoch-owned Page Six would like us to believe that the unwatched Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox Business Channel is such a deadly threat to the anchors at CNBC that they've all switched to "form-fitting V-necks in bright colors." Like Star Trek characters! We don't watch enough CNBC to notice any uniform changes but this seems maybe unlikely? A CNBC rep denies everything! Still, who can argue with "pants are no longer relevant"? It's the 21st Century! Nothing's relevant! [NYP]

Emily Gould · 10/08/07 02:00PM

An email sent to guests of a show on the soon-to-debut (and, you know, jingoistically crazytarded seeming!) Fox Business Channel contains the following sentence: "Just a reminder we do ask that any of our guests do not drink alcoholic beverages before going on the air."

Roger Ailes On His Secrets Of Success

Choire · 10/08/07 09:50AM

It's so hard not to love Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch's evil henchman and honcho of Fox News and the new Fox Business Network. Here's his notable quotable from a Q&A with Rebecca Dana in the Wall Street Journal: People say, 'How can you? You didn't go to Columbia Journalism School, how can you run a news organization?' I say, 'I have two qualifications: One, I didn't go to Columbia Journalism School, so there's a chance I'll be fair, and, two, I never want to go to a party in this town, so there's nobody's ass I have to kiss.'"

Choire · 10/01/07 03:50PM

OH MY GOD. THE FOX BUSINESS CHANNEL WEBSITE. DYING. It's like Idiocracy got remade by Michael Bay starring Steven Seagal and then they turned the volume up to 11! IT IS ABSURD. [Fox Business]

abalk · 09/26/07 12:10PM

From the (catty!) mailbag: "Fox Business Channel just hired Liz MacDonald, who was a highly respected journo for the Wall Street Journal and then Forbes mag. For past several years she's spent most of her time climbing over people in an effort to get in front of the camera." Meouch! Hey, she's sort of got that Tina Fey thing going on.

Rupert Murdoch Will Rape, Pillage The 'New York Times'

abalk · 09/19/07 01:30PM

Rupert Murdoch appeared at the Goldman Sachs Communacopia conference yesterday (uh, WTF, Goldman Sachs, was Communapalooza taken?) and strongly hinted that he was going to take the Wall Street Journal's website free. He also outlined the ways in which News Corp. would use the paper to bolster its new Fox Business Channel.

Media Bubble: 'Times' Hearts Hearst

Jesse · 06/05/06 01:19PM

• Hearst is the a great media company with a great headquarters and great executives who do great things. Yay! [NYT]
• Actually, no, Fox Business Channel isn't going to launch anytime soon. Never mind. [B&C]
• Where's the love for E&P? [MW]
• Time Inc. has extended its deal to sell All You exclusively in Wal-mart, which means you will continue to never read it. [Mediaweek]
• Straight guys dig the Coop, too. [LAT]
• Glut of WP buyouts leads to potential glut of cake. (And to the departure of — who knew she was even a newspaper editor? — Jo Polniaczek.) [NYT]