
Why Jet Packs and Live TV Don't Mix

Max Read · 07/16/11 04:45PM

Sure, you could see this video as a hilarious blooper and warning against live local news teasers involving advanced technology. Or you could see it as a beautiful lesson of failure and redemption, made literal in the person of the stocky wet guy rising from the sea powered only by his jet... pack... thing. [via The Hairpin]

Local Newsers Make the News

cityfile · 10/29/09 08:13AM

This isn't shaping up to be a very good day for local TV news personalities. Mike Sheehan, the former cop and Fox 5 reporter who was dismissed from his job this spring after crashing his car into an NYPD horse has pleaded guilty to drunk driving charges. Meanwhile NY1 political anchor Dominic Carter goes to court today on charges he beat up his wife. [NYDN, NYP]

Time's New Cover, Twitter's Value & Ernie's F-Bomb

cityfile · 09/17/09 02:26PM

• Glenn Beck is Time magazine's cover boy this week, sadly. [Time, HuffPo]
Spike Lee and Robert De Niro are teaming up with Showtime "to develop a drama series about Manhattan's Alphabet City." [THR]
• Twitter is now worth $1 billion, believe it or not. [TechCrunch]
• Nikki Finke hears that Variety is planning to start charging for access to its website and The Hollywood Reporter is dropping its daily print edition. [DHD]
• Jenna Bush made her debut on the Today show this morning. [BS]
• An update how Jay Leno's new show is faring three days in. [NYT]
• An update on the protracted legal battle between CBS and ex-anchor Dan Rather, a feud that only "seems to get pettier by the day." [TDB]
• Fox 5's Ernie Anastos managed to both embarrass himself and coin a delightful new catchphrase on the news last night. [Gawker, NYP, B&C]

Fingerless Americans Point a Remaining Finger at Martha

cityfile · 04/02/09 12:37PM

It looks like Fox 5 reporter Arnold Diaz didn't get enough of Martha Stewart the last time he tracked her down. So he decided to go back for some more. This time she's on the hook for chopping people's fingers off thanks to the lounge chairs marketed under her name. We'd love to tell you more, but Arnie's report is proceeded by a big warning that the images are "extremely graphic," and we just ate, but please be our guest. [Fox 5]

Fox 5 Goes Hunting for Dick Fuld

cityfile · 11/26/08 09:13AM

Fox 5 reporter Arnold Diaz paid a visit to Dick Fuld's house in Greenwich clad in a faux leather trench coat as part of one of his "Shame on You" segments this week. It's not quite as satisfying as Diaz's encounter with Martha Stewart a couple of weeks ago, and, unfortunately, he doesn't get a chance to pester Fuld personally like one of Bill O'Reilly's operatives managed to do with ex-Merrill Lynch CEO Stan O'Neal a month ago. On the plus side, though, he does get chewed out by a Eastern European man (Fuld's butler, perhaps?), and the police eventually turn up and force Diaz off the property. Video of the encounter is here. [Dealbreaker]

Why Must You Flout Parking Laws, David Yurman?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/21/08 01:19PM

What journalism should be: a dogged, annoying reporter with a big microphone camped out in front of a fancy building harassing people about fake parking permits. We have to admit, we are suckers for this kinda thing. David Yurman can sell his crappy jewelry for thousands of dollars, but his employees need a fake court officer parking pass on their $60,000 Mercedes to avoid a $65 ticket? Tell that to the average American! We love it. Watch this entire Fox 5 clip, then call the Pulitzer committee.