
Lady Gaga Launches Anti-Bullying Foundation

Maureen O'Connor · 11/02/11 04:02PM

Having apparently let up on her well-meaning but not entirely thought out campaign to make bullying illegal (More jailtime for juvenile delinquents? In place of hate crime statutes, or in addition to them? What about kids who are alternately bullies and bullied?) Lady Gaga is now launching an anti-bullying foundation:

The Nation Says the NYT Can't Do Math

Hamilton Nolan · 11/11/10 01:35PM

In your innovative Thursday media column: The Nation vs. the New York Times, Newsweek's quiet on its merger plans, your good media idea could make you millions, NPR's Juan Williams investigation is underway, and a remembrance.

Billionaire Heiresses, Very Cautious Philanthropists

cityfile · 06/12/09 11:21AM

What would you do if your dad handed you a check for $5 million and told you to give it away to the charities of your choosing? (You'd probably buy a massive apartment and inform your dad that by investing in the New York's real estate market during these difficult economic times, you were actually performing an act of charity, wouldn't you?)