
Second to Last is First Before Third?

Foster Kamer · 02/21/10 09:00PM

Okay, so a few readers seem to think it's my last weekend on this site, and assuming Remy isn't terrified by what he wakes up to tomorrow, they're wrong. I'll be back for one last dance next weekend. With surprises!

WTC plans

Gawker · 01/30/03 03:35PM

As the decision-making deadline draws near, the supporters of the various WTC plans are splitting into their own little gangs of New York. We're not above massive oversimplification, so we'll make it easy for you: The Leftists love Libeskind; the Artists want THINK. From SUVs to bank accounts, bigger is better for the Wall Streeters, so they're going with the Foster Plan. The structural engineers like United because it works mathematically and confuses the hell out of everyone else, and we're not sure anyone likes Peterson/Littenberg.
Urban paranoia [Buzzmachine]
New world trade center site design concepts [LMDC]

The Foster plan

Gawker · 01/29/03 03:05PM

The Black Table's Will Leitch on the Foster plan for the WTC: "...this building is frightening. It looks like it was put on this earth by Lucifer to destroy lesser buildings. It s like the Incredible Hulk don t make the Foster plan angry. Foster plan BASH!"
A comprehensive look at all the WTC proposals [The Black Table]