
Brendan O'Connor · 06/06/15 08:40AM

A Times Square fortune teller was arrested for bilking some loser out of $713,975 over the course of 20 months. This schmuck was in love with a woman who did not love him back. Then, she died. The fortune teller said she could resurrect her. It didn’t work out.

Best-Selling Author and Grieving Mother Loses $20 Million to 'Psychics'

Remy Stern · 08/20/11 03:23PM

True story! I used to work for James "The Amazing" Randi, the famed magician-turned-arch-skeptic, at his foundation in Fort Lauderdale, where we combated psychics and faith-healers and exorcists and all kinds of predatory bullshit slingers. The reaction Mr. Randi most frequently elicited from angry believers: "What's the harm? So what if I want to believe in [magic/psychics/prayer/reincarnation/heaven/ghosts/angels]? Believing gives people hope!"