
Ashley Sees a Double Standard

cityfile · 12/04/09 09:32AM

Because when it comes to massive sex scandals, there is no greater authority on managing your 15 minutes of fame and profiting off your notoriety (or not!), the Post asked Ashley Dupre what she thought of the Tiger Woods saga. "Here you have all these girls accepting gifts, money, trips from Tiger in exchange for sex—all the while knowing he is married," she responded to the paper via text message. "And now they all can't wait to tell their stories in exchange for even more money from the tabloids? And I was the hooker? At least I kept my mouth shut." [NYP]

Don't Confuse Ashley Dupre with Ashley Tisdale

cityfile · 09/03/09 10:09AM

Ashley Dupre is responding today to the (possibly made-up) reports that Eliot Spitzer is thinking about running for elected office: "I was happy to see that Mr. Spitzer is moving on with his life and considering getting back into politics," she writes on Global Grind, the website owned by her occasional yoga partner/mentor, Russell Simmons. "Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone deserves a second chance. Me too, right? Well, apparently not." She goes on to complain that people think she's making a fortune off her notoriety, but she really isn't, and that although she really wanted to write a book, publishers lost interest when she told them she wasn't willing to "sensationalize" the sensational details that made her famous in the first place. Oh, well. In any event, she finishes up the rant by directing readers to a "rough cut" of latest single, "Inside Out."