
'Communists' Throw Paint All Over Hillary Clinton's Convoy

Jim Newell · 11/16/11 01:59PM

Okay, it was fine when it was just the naked guy running around Hillary Clinton, but now what's this latest distraction for Hillary Clinton on her trip to the Pacific? Some "youthful, left-wing protesters" have sabotaged her convoy with red paint, in the Phillipines! Fortunately, everyone survived.

Libya Question Leads to Hot Herman Cain Brain Fart Action

Jim Newell · 11/14/11 05:25PM

In a meeting with the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel's editorial board, Herman Cain was asked whether he agreed with President Obama on Libya or not. Maybe that was vague, but that's a good thing! It invited him to simply deliver his canned spiel about Libya. He did have a canned spiel about Libya, right?

Obama, Sarkozy Caught Bitching About Israeli PM

Max Read · 11/07/11 11:09PM

What do presidents do when no one else can hear them? The same thing the rest of us do: complain about other people! Like on Monday, when President Obama and his French counterpart Nicolas Sarkozy were caught on microphone bitching about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Muammar Gaddafi Might Have Been the Richest Person in the World

Max Read · 10/22/11 10:45AM

Everyone knew late Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi was rich—he had a gun made of gold! But he might have been even richer than anyone thought—like, net-worth-of-$200-billion rich, making him the richest person on the planet. Gaddafi was the .0000001%!

Obama: Troops Will Be Out of Iraq by Year's End

Jim Newell · 10/21/11 12:36PM

President Obama announced that he'll pull (very nearly) all 41,000 remaining U.S. troops in Iraq by the end of the year, fulfilling his earliest campaign promise and finally wrapping this whole debacle up. This is fine news.

Clinton, Karzai Laugh at Herman Cain's Silly Talk

Jim Newell · 10/20/11 11:58AM

In another disturbing confirmation that, yes, the rest of the world is watching, Afghan President Hamid Karzai appears to have caught that clip of Herman Cain dismissing "insignificant" countries like "Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan" as things that aren't worth learning about. He even got Hillary Clinton to bring it up during their latest meeting, to share a laugh. "That wasn't right, but anyway, that's how politics are," Karzai empathized.

Herman Cain's Foreign Policy, in One Word: 'Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan'

Jim Newell · 10/10/11 01:24PM

The Republican party's latest affection in its presidential candidate speed-dating process, Herman Cain, is not and does not pretend to be this cycle's "foreign policy candidate." He doesn't want to be, and you can't make him! Instead, when quizzed about international relations, he will just mock his own lack of knowledge. That's his winning charm, maybe?

You Should Probably Start Preparing For War With Pakistan

John Cook · 09/27/11 01:20PM

Because we've been in a low-grade one, it appears, for years. Now that Adm. Mike Mullen has publicly accused Pakistan's intelligence agency of helping attack the U.S. embassy in Kabul, stories of heretofore secret Pakistani malfeasance are starting to leak out. It's almost like someone wants to start a war or something.

Did Wikileaks Decapitate Al Jazeera?

Ryan Tate · 09/20/11 07:53PM

The man who built Al Jazeera into a global TV news powerhouse was replaced after Wikileaks released a cable showing he collaborated with the U.S. government. Apparently this did not go over well with the Middle Eastern royal family that actually owns the network.

Surprise! CIA Had 'Close Ties' to Libyan Intelligence

Max Read · 09/03/11 03:11PM

The best part of toppling a dictator, besides freedom, is getting to rifle through the papers of the intelligence bureaucracy. Who knows what you'll find! Like, say, a big binder that says "C.I.A." and two others that say "M.I.-6"!

Syrian Dictator Now Beating Up Cartoonists

Jeff Neumann · 08/25/11 06:27AM

Renowned Syrian political cartoonist Ali Ferzat was found severely beaten early this morning on the Damascus Airport road, apparently by plain clothes government thugs, or shabiha. A picture from the hospital today shows both of his hands appearing to be severely injured. Long critical of the Assad family, Ferzat was nonetheless tolerated and, as the Guardian notes, even respected by Bashar al-Assad at one point. Ferzat told the paper in 2001 about an encounter he had with Bashar the aspiring opthamologist: