
Reagan National Airport Is Broken

Hamilton Nolan · 01/04/10 01:46PM

And now: "The power is out at Reagan National Airport outside Washington, D.C., bringing flights and security screening to a standstill." They'll get it fixed just as soon as they find the problem, so you folks just sit tight. [AP]

The Frequent Flyer Obsessed Put Other Obsessives to Shame

Mike Byhoff · 12/08/09 12:14PM

Think of any hobby and someone is probably obsessed with it. For documentaries, the more esoteric, the more intriguing. Well there is a bloc of people obsessed with accumulating frequent flyer miles. And it makes for a mesmerizing documentary short.

Public Will Pay For Checked Bags Over The Airline Industry's Cold, Dead Body

Hamilton Nolan · 05/27/08 09:56AM

One night last week I found myself watching the NBC Nightly News—a rare occurrence, because I am not yet old. The lead story was about how American Airlines was going to start charging a $15 fee for each checked bag. Grumbling! Populist outrage! What will these dang companies do next?! It became clear at that early moment that despite the economic necessity of the move, American was going to get absolutely slammed in the court of public opinion. And now the verdict is in: they did!