
Flock CEO leaves the fold

Nick Douglas · 09/13/06 11:23AM

Pop quiz: What does a once-popular startup, top-heavy with philosophy and lacking direction, do when the one guy who started the whole thing quits?

Flock and Next Internet: theft or a sign from above?

ndouglas · 03/09/06 03:15AM

9rules designer/blogger Mike Rundle was quick to notice that business incubator Next Internet (covered here) borrowed a teensy bit (by which I mean all) of the site design from eternally-alpha-testing browser Flock. The two sites are uncannily twinlike — identical fonts, identical basic color schemes, and two toolbars you'd never tell apart. But should we assume there was theivery just because Next Internet is Flock's perfect doppelganger?

Remainders: Let's slay this ogre and discuss your business plan

ndouglas · 02/10/06 09:51PM

Geeky investor Joi Ito says the new golf isn't extreme biking, it's World of Warcraft. [1up.com]
Pixar's taking over Toy Story 3, not shelving it. A power play against Lasseter, or can he wring more magic from the series? [Moviehole]
Google can keep a copy of your tax records, love letters, and porn folder, and they promise not to peek — as long as that's considered evil, anyway. [EFF]
Get in on the ground floor (or own a piece of doomed software history) — order a Flockstar tee. [Factory Joe]
Homeland Security saves the Internet from hackers and, um, bloggers in a simulation. They probably cheated and skipped the "Cory Doctorow of Mass Destruction" simulation. [Newsvine]

Waggable: Flockblocked

ndouglas · 02/06/06 08:00AM

Overheard on Ocean Beach, two guys talking about "double beta probation" social browser Flock: