
Wildfires Appear To Be Following 'Grey's Anatomy' Bartender

seth · 05/11/07 02:50PM

As our fair coastal city and its archipelagos are consumed in brimstone-free hellfires, we here at Defamer continue in our commitment to bringing you disaster coverage from the only angle that matters: How does it affect celebrities? We already reported on the courageous actions of impromptu evacuation coordinator Kirstie Alley, who is currently propping a tanning reflector beneath her chin on the lido deck of a Sea Org vessel hundreds of miles from shore, where she'll stay until it's deemed safe to return to dry land. Today, we have the even more incredible tale of Steven W. Bailey, who appears on Grey's Anatomy as Joe the bartender, and may also be familiar to you as My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance's, uh, big, fat, obnoxious fiance:

Gilmore Girls Vs. The Wildfire

mark · 05/09/07 08:39PM

Overshadowed by uplifting stories about the heroic efforts of celebrity Scientologists to save their neighbors from the rapidly spreading flames of the Griffith Park wildfire are the heart-sickening tales of the blaze's true victims: We speak, of course, of Gilmore Girls fans, who, having just learned that their favorite show won't be coming back next season, had to endure the fresh tragedy of discovering that the one of the series' last original episodes was pre-empted by, like, totally boring! WTF! local news coverage of the fire. They would not suffer silently, however, and flocked to KTLA's GG message board to pillory the station for its unspeakable cruelty. A sampling of their pain follows:

Kirstie Alley, Celebrity Hero Of The Wildfire

mark · 05/09/07 04:39PM

Proving that its emergency preparedness program is unquestionably the finest in Hollywood—yes, it even shames that of hyper-vigilant ICM—the Church of Scientology sprung into action following news that the spread of the Griffith Park wildfires necessitated the evacuation of many adjacent Los Feliz homes, dispatching their top Level VII Celebrity Disaster Response Tech to make sure residents knew to immediately flee the area. Reports the LAT Breaking News blog:

Hollywood Burning, Again

mark · 05/08/07 05:52PM

The skies over Hollywood have once again darkened in Apocalyptic fashion, as a dramatic fire is currently consuming the dangerously dry brush in Griffith Park; but rather than ascribe this new conflagration to Divine retribution for fresh show business sins, given the events of Friday, it's hard not to think that either the rapidly mobilizing Paris Liberation Front or the publicity-craving No Pardon For Paris Movement will soon claim responsibility for the blaze.

The Great Burbank Fire Of 2007: The Photo Gallery

mark · 03/30/07 08:50PM

Sure, we all know what wildfires look like by now, but it's rare for one to appear that affords us such a tantalizingly accurate vision of Hollywood's much-anticipated End of Days, give or take a quartet of Apocalyptic horsemen galloping through the streets to harvest what's left of the souls of those who toil in the industry. And so we've quickly thrown together this photo gallery of the Great Burbank Fire of 2007 for your enjoyment, containing both the images from our earlier posts about today's spectacular, sky-darkening conflagration and some new ones. Enjoy, and happy Friday.

Breaking: Burbank Is Burning!

mark · 03/30/07 04:57PM

Reports are pouring in about a brush fire raging in the hills of Burbank, close to the popular movie-fabricating factories maintained by Warner Bros. and Universal, as well as the Oakwood apartments, home to some of the industry's finest itinerant child actors.