
The Raging California Wildfires

Richard Lawson · 11/17/08 05:19PM

The Prop 8 fight isn't the only battle raging in California right now. As we complain about the cold here in New York, huge wildfires are quickly gobbling up large swaths of Southern California. Some 30,000 people have fled their homes, and a reported 1,000 houses have been destroyed. It's pretty apocalyptic looking. As one Flickr member noted, there are scenes of scorched earth and sky that remind us of Cormac McCarthy's end of the world novel The Road. We've put together a gallery of some of our favorite images from Flickr after the jump. Harrowing stuff.

Fire on Apple campus caused $2 million in damage

Alaska Miller · 08/18/08 01:40PM

Apple is now saying that the recent fire at its Valley Green building is worse than previously thought. The original damage report: "Not very big, but there is going to be a lot of smoke damage." The revision: $2 million worth of repairs needed, with extensive damage done to the roof. The cause of the blaze is still unknown, though reports are saying that the fire burned for more than 3 hours before coming under control. Quick: Someone go buy 10,000 iPhones! [Ars Technica]

Firefighters douse a burning building on Apple's campus

Nicholas Carlson · 08/13/08 10:00AM

Think the iPhone 3G is hot? Check out the clip CBS 5 took of Apple HQ in Cupertino! Firefighters this morning put out a three-alarm fire that burned for three hours last night in a building that houses Apple's finance and HR operations. No one was injured. The roof won't be the same, however. Senior communications dispatcher Rafael Salcedo told the AP the fire was "not very big, but there is going to be a lot of smoke damage." The San Jose Mercury News reported from the scene: " Some Apple employees stopped by to look at the scene and snap pictures on their I-phones." Question for the Merc's copy editors: What's an "I-phone"?

Back to the Future Set Destroyed in Fire

ian spiegelman · 06/01/08 12:27PM

"A fire at Universal Studios has destroyed a set from 'Back to the Future,' the King Kong exhibit and a video vault containing more than 40,000 videos and reels. Los Angeles County fire Captain Frank Reynoso says the blaze broke out just before dawn Sunday on a backlot stage at the 400-acre property. The fire has been contained. Officials say the iconic courthouse square from 'Back to the Future,' has been destroyed, and the famous clocktower that enabled star Michael J. Fox's character to time travel has been damaged." [AP] Watch your childhood memories reduced to cinders after the jump.

Maggie · 12/17/07 11:32AM

"Fire trucks outside News Corp., something about smoke at the top of the building," a tipster tells us. We knew someone would set fire to Rupert Murdoch's office someday. Apparently people inside the building aren't being evacuated, but the fire department isn't letting anyone inside. "All the news photographers who can't get into their offices are taking photos of the people standing outside!" Spot news in action.

Pareene · 11/30/07 01:10PM

ABC7, our favorite source for ridiculously overblown breaking stories, actually did wait until The View ended today before reporting that MANHOLE FIRES had KNOCKED OUT POWER in Greenwich Village, INCLUDING NYU. Which means like one law school dorm and a bodega on 3rd Street. PANIC! Is it terrorism? Sabotage from underpaid Indian foundry workers? Too soon to know but we say YES!

Choire · 11/09/07 01:08PM

From the mailbag: "There's a big ass fire. I can see it from 77th Street and Columbus." Yes um IN NEW JERSEY.

Wildfire Disaster: Not Helping Magazine Web Traffic!

Pareene · 10/26/07 11:55AM

For six long days, wildfires have raged across southern California, displacing thousands, destroying millions of dollars worth of property; they still threaten tens of thousands of homes. Seven people are confirmed dead and an area twice the size of New York City is a charred wasteland. But the magazines must go on. According to Folio, the fires "have affected countless numbers of staffers at the region's magazines, publishers there say, but have yet to disrupt magazine production."

Choire · 09/26/07 11:29AM


abalk · 09/26/07 09:52AM

Chaos! From the mailbag: "So there are about 150 employees crammed into the lobby of 1633 Broadway right now waiting for elevator use to resume between floors 40 and 48. Apparently there was ANOTHER fire on 44.... Although I'm less shocked that those genius Elle girls don't know how to pop popcorn, and more shocked that they were actually eating. Starbucks across the street is overflowing with disgruntled employees and my coworkers on 40 didn't even know there had been a fire.... Probably because no one really cares about those damn mail room employees. Its like the lowest level on the Titanic here at HFM. Update; they're moving us into the freight elevators..."

Fire in downtown Palo Alto

wagger1 · 07/02/07 12:50AM

The 300 block of University Avenue in downtown Palo Alto is aflame, according to Megan McCarthy, who's on the scene. "Flames are shooting 20 to 30 feet into the air from the rear of the building," reports Palo Alto Online. Threatened by the blaze: The Peninsula bureau of the San Jose Mercury News. A block away: Accel Partners, the VC firm which funded Facebook and BitTorrent, among others. Anyone know of other businesses that might be affected? Leave a comment, and Megan will update us if there's more news.

The Great Burbank Fire Of 2007: More Photos, Reactions

mark · 03/30/07 06:33PM

Through a combination of the internets, local news broadcasts, and e-mails from friends reassuring you that they have not been burned to death while stubbornly trying to finishing up the day's work while their Warner Bros. lot cube was consumed by flame, you are all probably aware that while it's very cool looking and makes for wonderfully easy jokes about God's divine retribution against those responsible for an abomination like Wild Hogs, the Great Burbank Fire seems to be posing no danger to showbiz interests. And no, the Hollywood sign is not actually smoldering—that's just an illusion conjured by a potent combination of perspective and your deep-seated resentment towards the industry that enslaves you.