
'Octomom' Fertility Doctor Loses His License

Max Read · 06/01/11 08:00PM

Dr. Michael Kamrava, the Beverley Hills fertility doctor who shoved 12 embryos into the baby parts of soon-to-be-"octomom" Nadya Suleman in 2008, will lose his license to practice medicine as of July 1. Kamrava, the California Medical Board argued in its decision, should have referred Suleman herself to a mental-health evaluation instead of helping her give birth to eight future therapy patients; it also found that the doctor had not exercised "sound judgment" in the cases of two other patients, neither of which were as bizarre or interesting as "octomom." [People; image via AP]

Our National Jon and Kate Plus Eight Nightmare Is Finally Over

Brian Moylan · 10/15/09 01:24PM

TLC was going to switch to Kate Plus 8, a show about professional paparazzi-dodger Kate Gosselin and her brood after her divorce from ex-husband Jon Gosselin. Now they're calling the whole thing off. Thank God almighty, free at last.

Swine Flu Panic: Over

Hamilton Nolan · 05/27/09 02:09PM

Two more New Yorkers with swine flu have died. Why isn't there a fresh round of PANIC? Because it looks like the worst is over. And we're not all dead!

It's a Film About a Guy Who Ejaculates Fire

Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/09 05:43PM

What is Burning Passion? "A Film About...A Guy Who Ejaculates Fire." It features "spectacular special addition to some really nice acting." It premieres on Valentine's Day, online. The perfect date. Click to enlarge.