
The Internet Says Drop Out of School!

Pareene · 06/25/08 01:16PM

The internet is full of scorn and advice for The Youngs, today. Everyone is so concerned! It's sweet. As we mentioned, Doree explores the topic of foolish Ivy League entitlement at some length in The Observer. Young-on-young violence! Meanwhile some of us are forced into oppressive internshps. An angry old man says quit bitching, basically. A sad young literary old man has advice (?) about how we Youngs are full of GUFF. Guff toward him! Of all people! This rubs some youngs the wrong way. But there is a solution! To everyone's problem! Everyone needs to drop out of school, as soon as possible. The best of the best have done it and lived to tell the tale. Including that angry old guy from before, who was, once again, ahead of the curve. He has moved on to unemployment, which is, we hear, similarly freeing. Who else is in? Update: Ha ha ha. Maybe we should all learn trades?

Who Will Crush My Generation's Dreams Already?

Pareene · 10/17/07 01:05PM

Troubling out-of-context statistics and worrying isolated anecdotes suggest that members of "Generation Y"—loosely defined as all the people younger and stupider and more annoying than you and your peers—are lazy, unrealistic freeloaders, still living off their poor parents well into adulthood. Employment agency Manpower released a study last year that found that two-thirds of under-30 Americans (and Canadians!) would rather "pursue their dreams" than "make lots of money." What the hell is wrong with those people?