Philadelphia Searching For Swiss Cheese Masturbator
Jordan Sargent · 01/11/14 03:05PM'Eyeball Licking' Trend Is Giving All the Japanese Kids Pink Eye
Neetzan Zimmerman · 06/12/13 05:47PMAspiring BBW Fetish Model Gorging Herself to Gain 200 Pounds
Neetzan Zimmerman · 05/10/13 03:00PMThe Disturbing Fetish Images the Cannibal Cop's Lawyers Don't Want You to See
Max Read · 01/30/13 03:34PM
Images released today by a judicial order provide a disturbing window into the hard drive — and fantasies — of "Cannibal Cop" Gilberto Valle, the NYPD officer accused of plotting to kidnap, kill and eat a woman: a photo of a naked woman, face down, hog-tied on a pan with an apple in her mouth. Another woman, bound and tied to a spit, rotating over an open campfire. A cartoon of a guy in an apron, adding salt to a pot in which a woman is being boiled alive.
Ted's Titular Bear Is a Sex Symbol to Some, an Abomination to Others
Louis Peitzman · 06/30/12 01:32PM
If your reaction to the Ted trailer wasn't instant arousal, there's a good chance you're not a plushie. But if you are, in fact, a stuffed animal fetishist, Seth MacFarlane's first full-length live-action feature is kind of the holy grail. This is a mainstream film with a talking, highly sexualized teddy bear.
NY Lawyer With Sexxxy Side Business Suspended From Job
Lauri Apple · 09/17/11 12:13PM
New York state Attorney General's Office lawyer Alisha Smith has been suspended without pay from her $78,825-per year post "pending an internal investigation," but probably because she's got a side job as Alisha Spark, heart-shaped pastied S&M performer extraordinaire. Or so the New York Post has learned!
It's an All-Girl Pizza-Slap Party!
Seth Abramovitch · 08/26/11 02:20AMErin O'Keefe and Amy Milano are the kinds of proactive, idealistic young adults this country needs a few more of: They saw a challenge — in this case, the world record for slapping someone in the face with a slice of pizza — and said: "Challenge, get out of the way! Erin and Amy are here!" Then they slapped each other in the face with four slices of pizza a combined 174 times in 15 seconds, shattering the previous world record of 0 times in 0 seconds. Don't believe me? Well don't take my word for it: Ready, set, dough! [recordsetter.com via Eater]
Welcome to the Nightmarish World of Bumfight Porn
Seth Abramovitch · 04/12/11 11:45PM
The homeless of St. Petersburg, Fla. have become the unlikely stars of a series of fetish videos in which they were treated like human "punching bags" by scantily clad women. In exchange for the filmed maulings—some so severe they put the recipients in the hospital—they were given $50 by Jeffrey S. Williams, the 58-year-old website manager of shefights.net. Now two of the men are suing.
Strike Superheroes
mark · 08/08/07 03:51PM
Should the prolonged strike everyone's nervous about ever come to pass, the studios could resort to using cheap, non-union talent to keep their lucrative movie franchises on schedule and avoid the huge financial losses of production delays. In the interest of helping with their alternative casting plans, we direct any desperate producers to this thread on a Mazda owners' message board [warning: not graphic, but probably NSFW], in which a confused poster describes how he stumbled upon some Detroit-area superhero hopefuls keeping their chops sharp in case they ever get the call from Sony to step in and make sure Spider-Man 4: Spidey on Venom gets into the multiplex on time.