
Who Are the "Revolutionary Communists" Allegedly Agitating in Ferguson?

Michelle Dean · 08/19/14 02:23PM

It's plain that the main agitators in Ferguson are the police. But over the last few days, a great deal of the social media chatter on the crisis has identified another group increasing the tension: the Revolutionary Communist Party. RCP members, as the rumor goes, have parachuted into Ferguson and are trying to incite a riot.

Even Ray Kelly Thinks Ferguson Cops Are Out of Control

Andy Cush · 08/19/14 09:28AM

Ray Kelly's tenure as commissioner of the NYPD included the violent dismantling of Occupy Wall Street and the 2004 Republican National Convention protests, the killing of unarmed black men like Ramarley Graham, Sean Bell, and Tamon Robinson, and the escalation of stop-and-frisk from occasionally used police tactic to daily reality for many New Yorkers. Even he agrees: The policing situation in Ferguson needs fixing.

Jake Tapper on the Police in Ferguson: "This Doesn't Make Any Sense"

Aleksander Chan · 08/19/14 08:16AM

CNN's Jake Tapper was on the scene in Ferguson, Mo., Monday night, where violence continues to escalate even as the state's National Guard has taken over policing the town of 21,000. Since protests started last weekend, there's been a disparity between the level of violence from some protesters (looting, reportedly throwing Molotov cocktails and rocks) and the "militarized" response of police, armed with semi-automatic weapons and clad in armor and riot gear and firing tear gas.

Aleksander Chan · 08/19/14 06:55AM

Turmoil in Ferguson continued Monday night, even after Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon lifted the town's curfew and called in the state's National Guard. At least 31 people were arrested by police and at least two have been reported shot. [Front page of today's St. Louis Post-Dispatch via Newseum]

John Oliver Tackles Pointless Police Militarization in Ferguson

Jay Hathaway · 08/18/14 08:30AM

The police response to protesters in Ferguson, Mo., raised a lot more questions than it answered, and John Oliver took aim at one of the biggest on Sunday's Last Week Tonight: Why the hell does a local police force have all this military-grade equipment?

Missouri Governor Deploys National Guard to Ferguson

Aleksander Chan · 08/18/14 07:01AM

After "deliberate, coordinated and intensifying violent acts" in Ferguson, Mo. Sunday night, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon has deployed the state's National Guard to the town, which has been embroiled in protests following the killing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown by officer Darren Wilson.