
Taylor Berman · 06/18/13 10:39PM

Between 1993 and early 2011, FBI agents shot 150 people, killing 70 of them. According to internal investigations by the FBI, every one of those shootings was justified.

Canadian Cops Say They Foiled Terror Plot to Derail Passenger Train

Cord Jefferson · 04/22/13 04:37PM

At a press conference this afternoon, Canadian police revealed they had thwarted a terrorist plot to derail a passenger train operating somewhere in the Toronto area. Calling the bust a "multi-jurisdictional" effort, one which involved both Canadian and American law-enforcement agencies, authorities with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police offered few details but said they had taken into custody two men: Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, and Raed Jaser, 35, neither of whom is a Canadian citizen.

Russia Warned FBI About Tamerlan Tsarnaev Before Bombing

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 04/20/13 05:15PM

New details about the brothers suspected of being behind the Boston Marathon have slowly trickled out today. Investigators are now focusing on a 2011 trip to Russia by the older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, where they believe he became radicalized by extremist groups in the north Caucasus region. Russia had asked the FBI to look into Tamerlan's extremist ties, but the FBI's investigation yielded nothing of note and after interviewing him, kept no tabs on him. "The F.B.I. did not find any terrorism activity, domestic or foreign," the FBI said in a statement.

FBI Statement Basically Scolds Media for Being Shameful Rumormongers

Cord Jefferson · 04/17/13 03:15PM

Following the clusterfuck that was—and continues to be!—the media's coverage of Monday's Boston Marathon bombing, the latest disaster being CNN's completely false scoop that a suspect had been arrested, the FBI is finally sick of everyone's shit. This afternoon, the federal police body released this statement, which explains that there have been no arrests and that the FBI thinks the media is a bunch of rubes:

FBI Pleads for Help in 'Wide Open' Marathon Bombing Investigation

Max Read · 04/17/13 07:03AM

Here's what investigators have said they know, so far, about the Boston Marathon bombings that killed three and injured 183 people on Monday: The explosive devices used were built out of conventional pressure cookers placed in nylon backpacks. What they don't know: anything else. The "range of suspects and motives remains wide open [...] Someone knows who did this," Special Agent Richard DesLauriers, the lead investigator, told reporters. "[T]he person who did this is someone's friend, neighbor, coworker or relative." The Bureau is actively soliciting photographs, tips and information; examining the bombs; and using face-recognition software in an attempt to generate leads. No one has claimed responsibility, and the "Saudi national" briefly placed in custody after the bombing (whose suspecthood was loudly touted by the New York Post and Fox) is no longer a person of interest. It will be a "long, painstaking investigation," Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick told WBUR this morning, but "every hour, every day" will get us "a little closer." [NBC, AP, image, of the Public Garden following an interfaith service at Arlington Street Church in Boston, via AFP/Getty]